
Sustainability, Trends

Climate transition offers wholesalers new business opportunities

According to an analysis by ING Research, the wholesale sector has less ambitious CO2 reduction targets than the retail sector. On average, wholesale companies aim to reduce their own Scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions …



A Plan B is more important than ever in shipping

Shipping is facing increasing volatility and uncertainties due to war, geopolitical events, climate change, and piracy. Maritime experts from Allianz Commercial looked at some of the key implications for the annual Safety and Shipping Review, …


Planning, Trends

Heineken innovates with central planning tools

Heineken is mainly decentralized, but at the corporate level, there is a growing need for supply chain planning at the central level. The world’s second-largest brewer uses AIMMS’ software platform for this purpose. During Webinar …

strategic fork

Blogs, Trends

Robot onboarding

What is holding companies back from deploying more robots in the warehouse? The ongoing labour shortage in the Netherlands and surrounding countries is forcing companies to look at solutions for staffing warehouses and distribution centres. …



Advice to supply chain leaders: don’t judge – ask questions

Good leadership requires self-insight. That was the message that lingered after the leadership session by recruitment agency Inspired-Search. Former speed skater Mark Tuitert shared insights that led him to Olympic gold. ‘Good leaders never assume …

The Digital Transformation Roadmap

Books, Trends

The Digital Transformation Roadmap

David Rogers is an international authority on digital transformation and affiliated with Columbia Business School in New York. He writes books, speaks at conferences and helps large companies implement their digital strategy. In 2016, he …


Planning, Sustainability, Trends, Webinar Recording

Recording webinar ‘Prioritise waste reduction for sustainability and strategic advantages’

In this insightful webinar we delve into the critical issue of waste within the supply chain. In this session, we'll explore the significant environmental, financial, and opportunity costs associated with waste, shedding light on how …

Whitepaper S&OP: from Strategy to Execution

Planning, Software, Trends, Whitepaper

Whitepaper Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP): from strategy to execution

Chris Columbus and his roadmap to operational excellence. Turning your strategy into operational excellence may well mean sailing into uncharted waters. So to explain it, let’s use an example of someone who’s done just that, Christopher …


Planning, Trends, Webinar Recording

Recording webinar ‘The HEINEKEN journey of Supply Chain Design & Optimization’

HEINEKEN utilizes AIMMS for modeling supply chain planning and optimization applications, from strategic to operational level. This includes brewery capacity, network design, MRP, supply & demand planning and many other applications. In this webinar HEINEKEN discusses …

David Rogers

Books, Exclusively in magazine, Trends

Bestselling author David Rogers: Digital transformation is a matter of culture

To survive in the digital age, a company has to reinvent itself and create new business models all the time. For traditional companies, this is an immense task, but it can be done, according to …