Recording webinar ‘Supply chain communication in the AI era’
Many companies lack the necessary communication in supply chain transformations. This is according to Supply Chain Media’s own recent research among 81 executives at European multinationals. Often, the business and supply chain strategy are not clear, the benefits of the transformation are not properly addressed and the sense of urgency is missing.
How are supply chain executives in Europe acting on these strategic transformations? To compile Supply Chain Media’s annual Top 28 Supply Chain Executives Europe, IG&H Consulting manages a database with the profiles of the 300 European supply chain executives eligible for this ranking. Using AI, IG&H automatically tracks how visible these executives are. How often do they post on LinkedIn or get quoted in articles? How often do they give a presentation or guest lecture? IG&H links this data to the financial performance of these supply chain executives’ companies. This analysis provides a good picture of the executives’ supply chain performance.
At Supply Chain Media Marketer Nicole Messink analyses which editorial topics score well and the influence of GenAI in this. In an age of increasingly fake news, personal communication is becoming increasingly important to convey a message with confidence, especially online. Chief Trendwatcher Martijn Lofvers of Supply Chain Media discussed these important topics with Jasper van Rijn, Managing Director at IG&H, and Nicole Messink in an interactive webinar on Wednesday 11 December from 4 to 5 p.m. CET.
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