Content, Reports, Software, Trends

European manufacturing industry expects massive boost from AI

Industrial companies in Europe regard artificial intelligence as one of the main drivers of growth, in particular due to the opportunities it offers for greater efficiency, flexibility and differentiation. That is a key takeaway from …

first mile and last mile

Content, Reports, Trends, Visibility

First mile and last mile are critical for flawless delivery performance

The efficiency with which retailers manage their processes at the beginning and end of their supply chain logistics are key to their survival. That claim is made by Zetes – a specialist in identification and …


Trends, Visibility

Sensors: tuning into the supply chain

With its new generation of Internet of Things (IoT) sensors for supply chains, Pharox offers easy-to-manage systems that are scalable, transferrable and can fit into a standardized process. The supplier is responding to the need …


Software, Trends

Supply chain start-up in the spotlight: Urbantz

Urbantz was founded in Brussels, Belgium, by Jonathan Weber (photo), Michael Darchambeau and Melanie Applincourt in 2015. Their aim was to make the first- and last-mile delivery business sustainable in cities by improving efficiency, reducing …

reliable forecasting

Blogs, Planning

Taming the bullwhip effect

The bullwhip effect is not only one of the best-known supply chain phenomena, but also one of the most damaging. By increasing the upstream variation and uncertainty, it pushes chain partners ever-deeper into the so-called …

Chris Tyas


Chris Tyas, Nestlé: “Soon we can expect more CEOs to come from supply chain”

Supply Chain Management is dead, according to a recent report by Harvard Business Review. But before everyone starts polishing up his or her CV, it’s anything but, retorts Chris Tyas, Senior Vice President Supply Chain, …



Lenovo launches complete end-to-end IT security solution to keep companies safer

Against the backdrop of an ever-increasing number of data breaches, with a record-breaking 2.6 billion incidences last year according to the latest research, companies need secure devices that protect sensitive data and guard against online …


Software, Trends

Supply chain start-up in the spotlight: DCbrain

DCbrain is a publisher of network optimization software for complex networks (including gas, water, electricity and heat as well as logistics) based on big data and artificial intelligence (AI). The team is headed up by …

Exclusively in magazine, Magazine, Reports, Trends

Supply Chain Movement issue 30 – Digital & Trends

Contents Supply Chain Movement 30 - 2018 Q3 Date of appearance: September 21st, 2018 6 | News & background Innovation is crucial to long-term survival. Few companies nowadays would deny that, but innovation doesn’t just happen by itself …

DSV Solutions

Trend visions, Trends

Trend vision DSV: ‘Smart marketing campaigns and 3D printing help to reduce working capital’

Long payment terms are an ongoing issue in the supply chain and third-party logistics world according to Meinderdjan Botman, Chief Commercial Officer of DSV Solutions. Until supply chain finance is fully embraced and rolled out, credit periods will …