start-up contest 2019

inNOWvate, Reports, Trends

22 start-ups to battle it out during inNOWvate

This year, 22 start-ups will be battling it out during the second European Supply Chain Start-up Contest. Participants in this prestigious competition have the opportunity to present themselves to supply chain professionals during the inNOWvate …

inNOWvate event

Visibility, Software, Planning, inNOWvate, Reports, Trends

Innovative supply chain solutions on inNOWvate

How can a company that wants to innovate choose between the large number of innovative supply chain software solutions? The two most important criteria continue to be the customer need – including the associated buying …

voice-directed picking

Software, Trends

Voice-directed picking

Jointly developed by Hardis Group and Voiteq, the Reflex Voice solution enables the entire order-picking process to be controlled by voice. The pick-by-voice system is fully integrated and configurable in the Reflex WMS warehouse management …

cargo crime


Tougher security measures advised as cargo crime losses reach 5-year high

At the end of 2018, the Transported Asset Protection Association announced a five-year high of cargo crime incidents, with losses worth €6.8 million in just 30 days. In the Netherlands alone, 46 thefts were reported …

customs platform


Digital customs platform simplifies Dutch exports to the United Kingdom

Brexit does not necessarily have to mean long and complex customs procedures for Dutch shippers and carriers with customers in the UK, according to AEB, Bongers Expedition and ChannelPorts. Their digital customs platform can simplify …


Sustainability, Trends

New initiatives to speed up sustainability in shipping

A number of initiatives within both inland shipping and maritime shipping are currently aimed at rapidly making this mode of transport more sustainable. For example, Heineken has recently launched the first inland shipping vessel to …


Reports, Trends, Visibility

Retail takes proactive approach to Internet of Things

More and more retailers are using new technologies to transform their businesses in order to remain relevant in today’s on-demand economy. The results of Zebra Technologies’ second Intelligent Enterprise Index show that retail organizations are …

consultancy firms


Consultancy firms as breeding ground for innovation

Nowadays, a consulting project doesn’t end with the delivery of a report. Companies want concrete solutions that are based on their own data – solutions that will actually have an impact. This means that even …

Trends, Visibility

Is blockchain all hype? IMD professors discuss

Finance professor Arturo Bris and supply chain professor Carlos Cordon (pictured left), both from IMD Business School in Lausanne, discuss blockchain. Arturo Bris: β€œHave you ever watched footage from the early 1980s of people trying to …


Sustainability, Trends

Cargill launches Sustainability Hub for supply chains

Cargill is setting up a Sustainability Hub to boost its sustainability-related activities. With initiatives including the launch of a South American sustainable soy policy, a commitment to human rights and an updated forestry policy, the …