Reports, Sustainability

Trends & Strategies in Logistics and SCM

2013 Trends and Strategies in Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Embracing Global Logistics Complexity to Drive Market Advantage The key results of this study by BVL International on trends and strategies in logistics and supply chain …


Supply chain and risk management: Making the right risk decisions

This global survey in conjunction with MIT analyses the supply chain operations and risk management approaches of global footprint companies, and looks at their operations and financial performance in the face of supply chain disruptions. It …


Building Resilience in Supply Chains

Global supply chains and transport networks form the backbone of the global economy, fuelling trade, consumption and economic growth. Disruptions to supply chains can prove costly, as highlighted most recently by Hurricane Sandy. According to …


Supply Chain Resiliency: how prepared is your organization?

The aftershocks from the devastating natural catastrophes of 2011 are still rippling through global supply chains. Companies that had believed their supply chains were secure found out otherwise—the hard way. Many organizations that were not …


Globalization Drives Market Need for SC Segmentation

Businesses continue look to their supply chain operations for opportunities to streamline business processes, reduce costs, improve customer service, gain a competitive edge, and face any disruptions caused by global commerce uncertainties. Particularly among companies with …

Books, Content, Planning, Software

Bricks Matter: ongoing evolution of supply chain management

In view of the crucial role supply chain management has played in companies’ success in the past decade, it is surprising that so few books have been published on the topic, especially when compared to …

Planning, Reports, Software, Sustainability

S&OP – a major driver in maximizing business profitability?

Increasing market dynamics and volatility put more emphasis on achieving planning excellence and raise the general level of attention for this topic. Although a recognized concept for many years, comprehensive deployment of S&OP has only …


Global Manufacturing Competitiveness Index 2013

Over the next five years, 20th-century manufacturing stalwarts like the United States, Germany and Japan will be challenged to maintain their competitive edge to emerging nations such as China, India and Brazil, according to the …

Reports, Visibility

Market volatility drives the Supply Chain Agenda in 2013

At the end of last year, several economic and political actions in the Euro-zone and US prevented a further decline of the current economic situation. Structural problems affecting the world economy seem however not to …


Reducing supply chain barriers increases world GDP

This report examines supply chain barriers to international trade and concludes that they are far more significant impediments to trade than tariffs. In fact, reducing supply chain barriers could increase world GDP over six times …