

Boom!: global community for women in supply chain

Women still represent just 39% of the total supply chain workforce, according to Gartner’s 2019 Women in Supply Chain survey. Furthermore, there is only 11% female representation at the CSCO/EVP/SVP/CPO level, which is actually a decrease 



Bram Desmet: ‘‘Supply chain professionals must understand ROCE’’

How can supply chain professionals cast off their inferiority complex? By gaining a precise understanding of how supply chain contributes to the profit and not just the costs, according to the recent book by Bram 

performance app

Planning, Software, Trends

Transparent performance app

Slimstock’s intuitive performance app provides easy and real-time insight into supply chain performance for both top-level management and other professionals. This app is one way Slimstock is responding to the data-driven and knowledge-driven trend in 


Software, Trends

Supply chain start-up in the spotlight: Wakeo

Wakeo was founded in Paris, France, in 2016 by Julien Cote (CEO) and Loïc Marzin (CTO), who met while previously working on supply chain optimization at PwC. The mission is to ‘turn the supply chain 

Volvo Trucks


Volvo Trucks develops autonomous goods transport solution: Vera

Volvo Trucks has developed an integrated solution called Vera for transporting goods from a distribution centre to a port terminal in Gothenburg, Sweden. Vera is a fully automated, self-driving electrically powered vehicle resulting from a 

Sean Culey

Sean Culey, Trends

Sean Culey: “Everything seems important when you don’t have a goal”

According to author Sean Culey, the world is in transition as we move from one wave of long-term economic progress into the next. Companies with a clear vision and sufficient employee autonomy, such as Amazon, 

Every Angle


Crossing the new technologies chasm in supply chains

During the summer of 2012, I was the chairperson for a supply chain event about new technologies in Madrid. During the conference, I was fortunate to be able to listen to various speakers from around 

intelligent spend


The importance of intelligent spend in demand-driven supply chain

Far-reaching process digitalization is unavoidable if you want to make your supply chain demand-driven. In addition to minimizing manual labour, you will also have to build in intelligence in order to fully automate the more 

Uber Freight


Heineken is Uber Freight’s first customer in Europe

Following on from its US activities, Uber Freight has recently completed its very first shipment in Europe on behalf of beer brand Heineken. The two companies have been working together for a while in the 


Jean Marc LechĂȘne, Vestas: ”One unique challenge: changing people’s mind-set”

Love them or hate them, wind turbines have become part of the modern landscape. As global demand for renewable energy increases as it becomes cheaper and more efficient, wind systems providers such as Vestas are