Contact Tracer

Software, Trends

Contact Tracer protects warehouse employees

A new solution from Körber called the InSight Contact Tracer can help to mitigate the impact of coronavirus in distribution operations. Contact Tracer is a strategic supply chain tool that tracks the locations of people, …

David Prinselaar AkzoNobel

Exclusively in magazine, Magazine, Reports, Trends

Supply Chain Movement 37 | COVID-19 & IT

Contents Supply Chain Movement 37: COVID-19 & IT – Q2 2020 Publication date: May 8, 2020 The main theme of the Q2 2020 issue of our quarterly Supply Chain Movement is COVID-19 & IT. For companies involved …



Primark doesn’t drop suppliers in Asia

Primark is providing extra financial support to clothing manufacturers in Asia. The Irish fashion company has released an additional £370 million for products ordered. This comes on top of the £1.5 billion worth of stock …


Sustainability, Trends

CEO keen to reduce Bristol’s dependency on China

Elise Vanaudenhove, CEO of the Belgian footwear and clothing company Euro Shoe Group, is looking beyond the coronavirus crisis. She believes that the group, which includes retail chain Bristol, has become too dependent on China. …

textile factories


Coronavirus crisis causing huge problems for Asian textile factories

The textile factories in Asia are facing major problems now that the coronavirus crisis is causing the large-scale cancellation of orders by clothing brands. Some customers are even refusing to pay for products ordered a …


Content, Reports

Digital transformation in the CPG industry needs to accelerate

Even though a quarter of consumer packaged goods (CPG) factories have digital-ready infrastructure in place, only 2% are effectively using tech-augmented workforce or automated material flow, according to the newly released ‘Factory of the Future …

company closures


Temporary company closures are not without risks

Many businesses have had to shut down temporarily due to the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the risk consultants at Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty (AGCS), however, some risks still remain, even when operations are halted …

truck monitoring

Trends, Visibility

Two free truck monitoring solutions for use during coronavirus crisis

During the coronavirus crisis, supply chain visibility is extremely important for all links in the chain. Truck monitoring can play a valuable role in transparency, which is why the German start-up Synfioo is offering a …

Every Angle

Sean Culey, Trends

Amazon finally makes its move in the grocery industry

I’ve written and spoken a lot about Amazon over the past five years, deep diving into their strategies, their culture and their mindset in order to understand why they are so successful. I have built …



Transporeon provides free access to information about European freight transport

Transporeon is providing free-of-charge access to information about the latest developments in the European road transport market – including transport prices and freight capacity – for decision-makers in logistics, business and public administration. The company …