smart supply chain

Content, Reports, Trends

Companies are lagging behind in smart supply chain investment

Over three quarters of all companies lack the skills and capabilities to further digitalize their supply chains. As a result, they risk missing out on major benefits, such as better alignment with customer demand, significant …

British retailers


Coronavirus causing supply challenges for British retailers

Almost a quarter of British retailers are reporting severe disruption to their supply of goods as a result of the coronavirus outbreak. They are starting to struggle to maintain supplies of some products, according to …


Blogs, Planning, Software, Visibility

The coronavirus supply chain

The media coverage of supply chain has increased exponentially as a result of the coronavirus epidemic in China, South Korea and Italy. All companies that produce and ship tangible goods are currently working hard to …

Jan Roodenburg


Supply chain in control with coronavirus

Slowly but surely, everyone is realizing that supplies from China are stagnating as a result of the coronavirus outbreak. Containers are stuck at the ports in Hong Kong and Shanghai. And factories have temporarily shut …

Supply Chain Movement Innovation and Change

Exclusively in magazine, Magazine, Reports, Trends

Supply Chain Movement issue 36 | Innovation & Change

Contents Supply Chain Movement 36: Innovation & Change – 2020 Q1 Publication Date: March 6, 2020 In this issue the theme Innovation & Change will be central. During conferences or interviews, chief executives can regularly be heard …


Content, Reports, Trends

Road remains most theft-prone modality

When it comes to freight transport, road is associated with by far the highest risk of theft compared to all other modalities. A report published by TT Club, an international transport and logistics insurer, and …

drone delivery service


Unilever tests drone delivery service for ice cream

Unilever and Terra Drone Europe are collaborating to test a drone-based delivery service for ice cream. The service is currently only available to residents of New York, according to an announcement on the Terra Drone …


Trends, Visibility

Subsidy for Smartys smart contracts simulation

Smartys, a start-up focused on smart contracts for use in logistics, construction and finance, has developed a smart contracts simulation application and presented the first, basic version at the end of January. It recently received …


Software, Trends

Benchmark helps Fetim to improve productivity

Fetim Group, a company specialized in home improvement products, is using an Infor benchmark to optimize its processes and workflows. For this benchmark, Infor – a vendor of industry-specific cloud solutions – collected data from …


Trends, Visibility

Greater potential of RFID technology in fashion

RFID technology is increasingly being used in the fashion industry, and in a growing number of ways, according to a scientific study by the University of Parma. The primary use for Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in …