inNOWvate 2019

inNOWvate, Reports, Trends

Supply Chain Professionals searching for innovation at inNOWvate Event 2019

Where the importance of innovation is clear to everyone, the 'how' is often much more complicated. Research shows that most innovations at start-ups were devised by people who worked an average of 9 meters apart …


inNOWvate, Reports, Trends

International keynote speakers to discuss digitalization at inNOWvate

What is the best approach to innovation in the current era of digitalization? A number of high-profile keynote speakers from across Europe, including Professor Carlos Cordon (pictured) from IMD Business School, will be providing clear …

cross-Channel ferry routes


New cross-Channel ferry routes to be added in case of no-deal Brexit

With little over two months to go until the official Brexit deadline, the UK government is preparing for the ‘worst-case’ scenario by awarding three new ferry contracts worth over GBP100 million. The extra freight capacity …

mining and metals supply chain

Trends, Visibility

Blockchain solution for global mining and metals supply chain

On 16 January, IBM announced it is working on a project in partnership with MineHub Technologies, a Canadian technology company specialized in the mining and metals industry, to build a blockchain-based platform for that sector. …

supply chain capabilities

Content, Reports, Trends, Visibility

Retailers’ digital supply chain capabilities are underprepared for core challenges

Board members (‘C-suite executives’) of retail companies are struggling to tackle core digital transformation challenges due to a lack of supply chain visibility and reliable data, according to a recent report. A survey has revealed …

Global Trade Network

Trends, Visibility

Transparency in the Global Trade Network

BluJay’s Global Trade Network (GTN) streamlines processes, creates new opportunities and improves the performance of companies, adapted in line with their unique supply chain requirements. Connecting all supply chain partners to the network increases transparency. …

control tower

Software, Trends, Visibility

Cloud-based control tower

Tesisquare Platform 6.0 has been enriched with a Tesi Control Tower. This cloud-based platform facilitates communication and integration between manufacturers, logistics service providers, carriers and customers, resulting in an online data-sharing community. The software manages …

cultural intelligence


Choosing the right organizational chart to your Chinese setup

I recently coached a Danish SME on how to design the organizational chart for their Chinese office. The office was not new – it had been there for about fifteen years – but recent changes in the …

Wim van Aalst


Wim van Aalst, Waitrose: “Brexit overshadows everything; we expect rough times ahead”

Over its 130-year history the John Lewis Partnership has become a well-established 11 billion pound retail and food business in the UK. Much of its continued success is thanks to the revolutionary ideas of John …



Alibaba chooses Belgium for e-commerce trade hub

Belgium will be the first European country to become part of e-commerce giant Alibaba’s Electronic World Trade Platform (eWTP). According to an announcement on 5 December 2018, Alibaba Group Holding Ltd has signed an agreement …