drone delivery service


Unilever tests drone delivery service for ice cream

Unilever and Terra Drone Europe are collaborating to test a drone-based delivery service for ice cream. The service is currently only available to residents of New York, according to an announcement on the Terra Drone …


Trends, Visibility

Subsidy for Smartys smart contracts simulation

Smartys, a start-up focused on smart contracts for use in logistics, construction and finance, has developed a smart contracts simulation application and presented the first, basic version at the end of January. It recently received …


Software, Trends

Benchmark helps Fetim to improve productivity

Fetim Group, a company specialized in home improvement products, is using an Infor benchmark to optimize its processes and workflows. For this benchmark, Infor – a vendor of industry-specific cloud solutions – collected data from …


Blogs, inNOWvate

Turning supply chain events into an experience

We’re living in the ‘Experience Economy’ nowadays. Shops can only survive if they offer an experience; consumers go online if all they want is convenience. For example, Siemens has opened a ‘house of inspiration’ in …

supply chain design


Cost no longer only priority in supply chain design

The shift in manufacturing from west to east has noticeably slowed. A production base in a low-wage country is no longer the be-all and end-all. Other factors have become more important in supply chain network …



Series of accidents in Carrefour DC prompts strike

A series of seven workplace accidents at a distribution centre (DC) for grocery retailer Carrefour prompted some members of the workforce to spontaneously go on strike in late January. The accidents all occurred within a …



Ten years of transformation

During conferences or interviews, chief executives can regularly be heard to say that their company is currently undergoing a digital transformation. But what kind of transformation do they actually mean? Are they talking about an …


Sustainability, Trends

BISCI intensifies focus on digitalization and sustainable supply chain innovation

Despite still being in its first year, the Brightlands Institute for Supply Chain Innovation (BISCI) is already intensifying its focus on digitalization and sustainability. Plans for the future include BISCI’s first annual Supply Chain Innovation …

freight transport


Freight transport to and from the United Kingdom in 2020: an overview

The new rules and criteria for import and exporting goods to and from the United Kingdom (UK) will come into force on 1 January 2021. The date is fixed now that the UK’s House of …


Sustainability, Trends

Supply chain start-up in the spotlight: Worldfavor

Worldfavor accelerates sustainability by offering a global platform for sharing and evaluating corporate sustainability information. For sustainability management purposes, the solution offers a wide selection of established guidelines and standards on sustainability, compliance and related areas, …