supply chain advice

Software, Trends

Free supply chain advice during coronavirus crisis

Companies are being offered free supply chain advice and services from several sides during the current coronavirus crisis. Reveal USA and R&G are two consultancy firms sharing free-of-charge tips related to supply chain management, for …



Supply chain start-up in the spotlight: Impargo

Impargo was founded in Berlin, Germany, by Gerhard Hänel and Julian Labeit in 2017. Their vision is to digitalize transport order management, from shipper to dispatcher to driver, and to become the largest autonomous freight matching …


Planning, Trends

Thou shalt stockpile!

In supply chain management, the 5 P’s are ‘Perfect Preparation Prevents Poor Performance’. You should always be ready for what might happen – and stockpiling should be part of those preparations, because robust supply chains …

Francesca Gamboni

Sustainability, Trends

Francesca Gamboni, Groupe PSA: “It’s my ambition to get supply chain represented on the board”

“The automotive industry is very challenging. It is extremely complex with a huge diversity in products and it’s very demanding from a cost management perspective. All in all, that makes it very exciting,” says Francesca …



High-scoring talent

In today’s rapidly changing world, companies should no longer focus on their employees’ weaknesses. Striving to be an all-rounder – just good enough in all areas – belongs to the previous decade’s era of continuous …

Every Angle

Blogs, Sean Culey

The coronavirus pandemic is the Transition Point

The current coronavirus pandemic is set to change many of our existing paradigms, both socially, economically and technologically, and will end up completely defining the 2020's. Many countries have just introduced state-supported living on a …


Sustainability, Trends

Supply chain start-up in the spotlight: Zencargo

Zencargo was founded in London, UK, by Alex Hersham (CEO, pictured), Richard Fattal (CCO) and Jan Riethmayer (CFO) in 2017. The start-up is on a mission to build ‘a world with smarter trade’ by synchronizing …


Sustainability, Trends

Returns often not worth the effort for online retailers

When consumers want to return goods, online stores regularly refund the money without asking for them to be sent back – even if there is nothing physically wrong with the product. This surprising finding emerged …


Blogs, Planning, Software, Visibility

The coronavirus supply chain

The media coverage of supply chain has increased exponentially as a result of the coronavirus epidemic in China, South Korea and Italy. All companies that produce and ship tangible goods are currently working hard to …

Supply Chain Movement Innovation and Change

Exclusively in magazine, Magazine, Reports, Trends

Supply Chain Movement issue 36 | Innovation & Change

Contents Supply Chain Movement 36: Innovation & Change – 2020 Q1 Publication Date: March 6, 2020 In this issue the theme Innovation & Change will be central. During conferences or interviews, chief executives can regularly be heard …