supply chain resilience


Supply chain resilience is a lifestyle

Supply chain risk management only becomes urgent in a crisis – and that’s exactly where companies find themselves today, which explains the high level of focus on the topic right now. However, there is concern …



Digital twin

A digital twin – who wouldn’t want one of their own? A virtual copy of yourself that effortlessly takes care of the tax returns and other boring administrative activities. Then you could spend more time …

Cyber Monday

Software, Trends

Cyber Monday generates unprecedented peak in parcel volumes

This year’s Black Friday was expected to be busy, but according to the latest figures it broke all existing online records. Dutch shipping platform Sendcloud reports processing 136% more parcels on Black Friday than on …

supply chain


Pandemic inspires three quarters of companies to improve supply chain resilience

COVID-19 is a catalyst for change. Three quarters of companies will be adapting their supply chain practices based on lessons learned from the pandemic, according to a survey by supply chain software and service provider …

Dirk Holbach


Henkel’s Dirk Holbach the new No. 1 Supply Chain Executive in Europe

The winner of the 2020 edition of the Top 28 Supply Chain Executives in Europe is Dirk Holbach, the Chief Supply Chain Officer of Henkel Laundry & Home Care based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He …



Descartes acquires last-mile expert ShipTrack

Descartes, a leader in supply chain and logistics software solutions, has taken over the Canadian company ShipTrack, a provider of last-mile solutions for e-commerce companies, in an acquisition valued at US$25 million. ShipTrack provides cloud-based mobile …

Shaun Phillips QAD DynaSys

Trend visions, Trends, Visibility

Trend vision QAD DynaSys: “Disruption is the new normal”

The year 2021 will not see a return to 2019, but it will probably be less disruptive than 2020, according to Shaun Phillips, Director of Product and Market at QAD DynaSys. Greater supply uncertainty has …

Lucien Besse B2B customers are increasingly looking for a B2C customer experience

Trend visions, Trends, Visibility

Lucien Besse, Shippeo: “B2B customers are increasingly looking for a B2C customer experience”

Many supply chains have emerged from the coronavirus crisis stronger than before and are now more agile and better prepared to cope with rapid changes. Visibility is crucial, and is especially challenging in multimodal and …

supply chain networks

Exclusively in magazine, Magazine, Reports, Trends

Supply Chain Movement 39 | Digital Twins

The main theme of the Q4 issue of quarterly Supply Chain Movement is Digital Twins. A digital twin of your own could do more than just simple paperwork. Thanks to advanced analytics and artificial intelligence, …

sustainable supply chain

Sustainability, Trends

The journey towards a sustainable, carbon-neutral supply chain

A growing number of companies have a sustainable supply chain high on their agenda. The longer-term aim – within the next 30 years – is for us all to live in a climate-neutral, fossil-free world. …