black swan

Trends, Visibility

Black swan drives demand for new technology

Although virologists have long warned about viruses, the COVID-19 outbreak still came as a complete surprise to the vast majority of companies. To them, it was the ‘black swan’ event that had only existed in …

Pandemic accelerates implementation of IBP

Planning, Software, Trends

Pandemic accelerates implementation of IBP

Following on from S&OP, many companies are working on the next step: the implementation of integrated business planning (IBP). What is the impact of COVID-19 on this step? Experts from McKinsey and Blue Yonder discussed …



Manufacturing industry faces problems due to strong growth and Suez congestion

The Nevi Purchasing Managers’ Index for the Dutch manufacturing industry rose from 59.6 to a record-breaking 64.7 in March 2021. Despite tough lockdowns, this was the biggest-ever increase in new orders placed at home and …

sustainable delivery options

Sustainability, Trends

‘Encourage consumers to choose sustainable delivery options’

A few simple changes to a web shop’s checkout page can prompt consumers to make more sustainable delivery choices, according to Wijnand Jongen, Director of “This is an easy way for e-tailers to contribute …

demand planners

Software, Trends

Demand planners do not need to fear for their jobs

Thanks to artificial intelligence, many demand planning tasks can be automated – including forecast adjustments. But this does not mean that demand planners need to fear for their jobs, according to analytics experts from SAS …

Tariq Farooq


Tariq Farooq, Sanofi: “Top priority is to become even more patient and customer-centric”

The last 12 months have seen companies adapt, collaborate and prove their resilience. “We have been quicker to adapt and more resilient than I thought. If you’d asked me prior to the pandemic if 70,000 …


Software, Trends, Webinar Recording

Recording webinar AI & Cognitive Automation

Making the move from Analytics & Process Automation to Intelligent Automation of the supply chain. This webinar recording provides you the latest insights on Artificial Intelligence & Cognitive Automation. Join Dan Mitchell and Patrick Dittli from …


Content, Reports, Sustainability

Circularity needed in ICT supply chain to significantly reduce waste

As the digital transformation of society continues, the Dutch ICT supply chain is generating a continuous flow of written-off hardware. To improve sustainability, it is crucial to promote circularity in the ICT supply chain. This …

online shopping

Sustainability, Trends

Online shopping is sometimes the most environmentally friendly option

Is today’s online shopping boom bad for the environment? Not necessarily, according to new research by Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and TNO. In late 2019, they conducted a broad survey into the effect of …

Top 26 SCM Directors in the Netherlands


Supply Chain Media launches Top 26 SCM Directors in the Netherlands

It's time for a Top 26 SCM Directors in the Netherlands, Supply Chain Media thinks. The new ranking replaces the election of the Dutch Supply Chain Professional of the Year award. According to initiator Martijn …