
Blogs, Planning

T-shaped towers

As far as forward-thinking companies are concerned, control towers are passé in 2021. There has been considerable confusion about the term ‘control tower’ in recent years. Does it refer to the global central procurement of …


Trends, Webinar Recording

Recording webinar SCM IT Subway Map Europe 2021

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, supply chain management is at the top of the management board’s priority list, second only to employee safety. Most companies have been hit hard on both the supply side and …


A new generation, a new vision of technology

Now that a new generation of professionals is taking the helm, we are seeing a clear shift in organizations’ attitudes to technology. “The focus is on speed and flexibility, which is reflected in what I …

Martin Verwijmeren - MPO

Planning, Trends

A new model of supply chain planning is long overdue: The “Triple I” standard

While the traditional practice of silo-based supply chain planning appears to be a hard habit to break, there are encouraging signs of a shift towards a more integral approach. Dynamic planning entails continuous and real-time …



Stefan Hartung, Bosch: ‘‘Shortage of computer chips is structural’’

German car makers have been forced to halt production due to a shortage of computer chips on more than one occasion recently. This is now having a knock-on effect on suppliers, as Stefan Hartung from …


Software, Trends

Omnichannel approach requires a waveless WMS

Rather than being a necessary evil for retailers, the supply chain has now become a key success factor for greater customer satisfaction. According to Consafe Logistics during a recent Supply Chain Media webinar on omnichannel …

autonomous supply chains

inNOWvate, Reports, Trends

Humans are the weakest link in self-driving, autonomous supply chains

The frontrunners in supply chain digitalization are busy creating self-driving supply chains, but the human brain cannot keep up with those developments. That was the conclusion of Sean Culey, author of Transition Point, at this …

Visual Roadmap for collaboration in transportation management

Road Map, Trends

Roadmap for collaboration in transportation management

When it comes to effective, efficient transportation management, collaboration is key. As transportation networks grow in complexity, so too does the partner network; this increases the risk of leaving some partners disconnected. An ideal transportation …

Supply network visibility and collaboration are crucial to reduce supply chain risks

Trends, Visibility

Supply network visibility and collaboration are crucial to reduce supply chain risks

Companies are facing an everbroader range of supply chain risks, from natural disasters to cyberattacks, yet many businesses are struggling to formulate a solid strategy in response. It is no longer possible to address all …


inNOWvate, Reports, Trends

Supply chain innovation starts with imagination

In the past year, more and more companies have realized that they urgently need to innovate their supply chain. But how should they go about that? During inNOWvate Supply Chain Event, chief trend watcher Martijn …