inventory management

Planning, Visibility, Software, Trends

Turbulent times call for a different approach to inventory management

In unpredictable times, traditional methods of inventory management leave a lot to be desired. The huge number of empty supermarket shelves at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic made that all too clear. Companies like …

road transport


European road transport capacity suffers sharp decline combined with rising prices

Road transport capacity fell sharply by 16.4% from November to December 2020, taking the European spot market availability index to 85.9 points. There was also significantly less capacity available on the market than a year …

hyperloop network


Feasibility study of hyperloop network

A study is underway to explore the feasibility of a hyperloop network for freight in the Netherlands. A pilot route in the Randstad conurbation is intended to mark the first step towards a pan-European emission-free …

warehouse automation


Volatility affects the payback period of warehouse automation

Demand volatility increases the payback period (ROI) of warehouse automation and decreases the service level, according to supply chain consultancy 4flow based on its recent in-depth study of warehouse automation and volatile demand. In their study …


Sustainability, Trends, Visibility

Supply chain start-ups embrace blockchain

A notably large proportion of the supply chain start-ups in Europe use blockchain technology. Among other things, blockchain makes it possible to digitize documents and securely and reliably share sensitive data with supply chain partners. …

Slide deck

Trends, Webinar Recording

Recording webinar Blockchain in Supply Chain

Supply Chain Media organized a webinar about blockchain in supply chain. Blockchain holds great promise, especially for supply chains. This technology could result in faster, more transparent and more efficient supply chains that are possibly fairer …


Trends, Webinar Recording

Recording webinar Cross company Stock Optimization

Supply Chain Media and Flowlity organized a webinar about cross-company stock optimization. The classical model for a company is to order components from a supplier, keep a stock of those components internally. The supplier also keeps …


Planning, Trends, Visibility

Flowlity positions itself as trusted third party for inventory management

In October 2020, French start-up Flowlity was named winner of the European Supply Chain Start-up Pitch organized by Supply Chain Media. Some people may have been surprised that the contest was won by a provider …

alternative suppliers


Companies search for alternative suppliers as way of spreading supply chain risks

The COVID-19 pandemic created some degree of supply chain disruption for 56% of companies, according to certification body DNV GL Business Assurance’s survey of 1,142 organizations. The main causes of disruption were delays in supplies …

road transport


Road transport capacity increases substantially

The road transport capacity on the European spot market rose sharply towards the end of last year but the increase was accompanied by falling transport prices, according to an update of the Transport Market Monitor …