Sustainability, Trends

‘Potential tensions’ in ESG in supply chains

More and more companies are prioritizing environmental, social and governance (ESG) in their supply chains. But while companies recognize the importance of achieving sustainable outcomes, they are less inclined to acknowledge that most of that …


inNOWvate, Reports, Trends

Recording webinar Supply Chain Start-ups in Europe

Supply chain start-ups in Europe experienced a very challenging year in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting economic crisis. But the need for innovation and digitalization seems higher than ever for manufacturing, …

Jeroen Both


Accell’s Jeroen Both voted best SCM director in the Netherlands

Jeroen Both from bicycle manufacturer Accell has emerged as the best supply chain director in the Netherlands. The new Top 26 SCM Directors ranking was revealed at the Kleurstoff venue in Amsterdam during an inspiring …



The supply chain director in 2040

How will the supply chain director’s job profile change over the next 25 years? That’s what Omera Khan from the University of London asked me in a recent interview for a white paper. My reply: …


Planning, Software, Trends, Webinar Recording

Recording webinar Forecasting-as-a-Service

Supply Chain Media and EyeOn organized a webinar about Forecasting-as-a-Service. In today’s dynamic and uncertain business environment, supply chain planning challenges continue to grow. Product portfolios are more complex than ever. Consumer behavior is volatile. Neither historical …



No resilience without a holistic approach

The pandemic made it clear that not all supply chains are equally resilient, which inspired Involvation and Supply Chain Media to create a mindmap for value chain resilience. In a recent webinar, Involvation’s Jeroen Scheepers …

Philip Morris International

Planning, Trends

Renewed supply chain supports business transformation at Philip Morris International

Five years ago, Philip Morris International (PMI) publicly announced its vision to deliver a smoke-free future, and since then has been leading a radical transformation of its business and the industry, based on new, smoke-free …


Planning, Software, Trends, Webinar Recording

Recording webinar Painless Planning Software Implementation

In this recording, you will gain some proven insights into why enterprise supply chain planning software implementations (more often than not) end up long, costly and painful – and how you can avoid that. COVID turmoil …


Trends, Webinar Recording

Recording webinar A holistic view on Value Chain Resilience!

As a result of the COVID-19 crisis the levels of uncertainty have increased in almost every companies value chain. Managing demand and supply under these conditions has become more challenging than ever before. How to …

inventory operations


Inventory operations and business strategy are still not aligned

Companies say they are striving for customer intimacy, but they continue to steer their inventory operations purely on costs. That is one of the contradictions that emerged from the Inventory Strategy Survey, conducted by Supply …