
The importance of cross-functional talent development

Different times call for different competencies. More and more companies are adapting their talent development programmes; the focus is shifting from functional skills to competencies such as learning to collaborate, learning to innovate and learning …


Software, Trends, Webinar Recording

Recording webinar AI & Cognitive Automation

Making the move from Analytics & Process Automation to Intelligent Automation of the supply chain. This webinar recording provides you the latest insights on Artificial Intelligence & Cognitive Automation. Join Dan Mitchell and Patrick Dittli from …


Content, Reports, Sustainability

Circularity needed in ICT supply chain to significantly reduce waste

As the digital transformation of society continues, the Dutch ICT supply chain is generating a continuous flow of written-off hardware. To improve sustainability, it is crucial to promote circularity in the ICT supply chain. This …

online shopping

Sustainability, Trends

Online shopping is sometimes the most environmentally friendly option

Is today’s online shopping boom bad for the environment? Not necessarily, according to new research by Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and TNO. In late 2019, they conducted a broad survey into the effect of …

Top 26 SCM Directors in the Netherlands


Supply Chain Media launches Top 26 SCM Directors in the Netherlands

It's time for a Top 26 SCM Directors in the Netherlands, Supply Chain Media thinks. The new ranking replaces the election of the Dutch Supply Chain Professional of the Year award. According to initiator Martijn …


Trends, Webinar Recording

Recording webinar Intelligent Prediction in Demand Shaping

Past sales can no longer be trusted to predict future inventory needs. Real-world events, such as digitalization, seasonality, weather changes, natural disasters and consumer buying behavior, require a fundamentally different planning approach focused on results and resilience. Intelligent Prediction …

Christoph Häusler

Sustainability, Trends

Christoph Häusler, Reckitt Benckiser: “COVID has proven how resilient our business is”

In 2017 Christoph Häusler had the opportunity to design an integrated end-to-end supply chain from scratch. He had a clear mission: Support and enable a fast-moving, home hygiene business and rejuvenate profitable growth. As executive vice …

gender diversity


No silver bullet for gender diversity in supply chain

Supply chain is still lagging behind when it comes to gender diversity. Although women make up 39% of the total workforce in supply chain, they account for only 17% of top-level executives. Moreover, at the …


Trends, Webinar Recording

Recording webinar Gender diversity in supply chain

Supply Chain Media and boom! presented a webinar about gender diversity and equity in supply chain. Women still represent just 39% of the total supply chain workforce, according to Gartner’s 2020 Women in Supply Chain survey, just …

COVID-19 vaccines


How COVID-19 vaccines turned the pharmaceutical supply chain into the ultimate gamble

As the world races to vaccinate as many people as possible in the shortest possible time to save lives, the supply chain of pharmaceutical companies has become a very hot geopolitical battle. This is surprising …