
Trends, Webinar Recording

Recording webinar ‘Industry 4.0 and Blockchain & IoT in Supply Chain’

Companies face five main challenges in establishing and executing digital transformations. One is making the right choices among disruptive technologies. The top three transformative business technologies cited are advanced artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain and the …



High burnout rate calls for supply chain leadership

Today’s supply chain superheroes are getting tired. Since the pandemic started two and a half years ago, they have been working almost nonstop to keep the world’s supply chains running. But the heavy workload is …

Leaderboard Webinar Wednesday BlueYonder 12-12-2024 tm 19-1-2025

Planning, Whitepaper, Trends

eBook: The journey to world-class S&OP and S&OE

S&OP (Sales & Operations Planning) and S&OE (Sales & Operations Execution) processes help synchronise decision making across all this complexity to infuse agility and resilience. It gives planners and decision-makers a sense of calm and …

dissatisfied with own supply chain


Majority of Dutch companies are dissatisfied with own supply chain

Almost all Dutch businesses are dissatisfied with their own supply chain, according to research by SAP. To improve this, most companies are looking for ways to make their supply chain more local. They also want …

Leaderboard BlueYonder roadmap 16-12-2024 tm 19-1-2025
Mindmap Involvation - Continuous Learning

Mindmap, Trends

Mindmap for Continuous Supply Chain Learning

Driven by big and global developments and specifically in supply chain management, continuous learning should be seen as a continuous process. Since each individual and organisation is unique, developing and implementing effective learning programs is …

Checklist optimizing the co2 footprint

Checklist, Sustainability, Trends

Checklist: Optimizing the CO2 footprint

In order to limit global warming, CO2 emissions must be substantially reduced by 2030. Since the logistics sector accounts for 24% of the total CO2 footprint, supply chain and logistics professionals have an important responsibility …

Leaderboard Tesisquare checklist 16-12-2024 tm 19-1-2025
supply chain sustainability

Sustainability, Trends

Complexity is a barrier to supply chain sustainability

Anyone striving to make their supply chain more sustainable must keep their sustainability processes simple, above all else. This became evident during the third edition of the SCM Talkshow featuring Anne van de Poel (Bonduelle) …

ISO standard

Sustainability, Trends

New ISO standard to quantify transport-related carbon emissions

The international standard for assigning CO2 emissions to transport activities in the supply chain is ready. Logistics companies and their service providers can use ISO standard 14083 to unambiguously calculate, allocate and share details of …