Mindmap for Fulfilment Automation

Mindmap, Software, Trends

Mindmap for Fulfilment Automation

In this age of immediacy, a company needs a customer-centric fulfilment strategy that allows for fluidity of workflows, functionality and operations. GreyOrange, a global technology company unifying AI-driven software and mobile robotics, and Supply Chain …

Checklist for Purchase order tracking

Checklist, Visibility

Checklist for purchase order tracking

According to a recent McKinsey study among manufacturing executives, 78% of organizations are lacking visibility into supplier risks that makes their company vulnerable. Optimizing the monitoring of purchase orders and being able to manage supply …

Top 28 Supply Chain Executives Europe


Chief supply chain officers must pull the right strategic levers

Today’s supply chain executives are facing an extremely difficult agenda, with a high urgency to act. The ongoing turmoil in global supply chains, due to all kinds of shortages, is screaming out for more resilience. …

Tariq Farooq


Tariq Farooq of Sanofi leads the Top 28 Supply Chain Executives Europe in 2021

The number 1 professional in the 2021 edition of the Top 28 Supply Chain Executives in Europe is Tariq Farooq, SVP Global Supply Chain at Sanofi based in Geneva, Switzerland. He has climbed the ranking …

Cover MOV Q4

Exclusively in magazine, Magazine, Reports, Trends, Visibility

Supply Chain Movement 43 | Networks & Transportation

The main theme of the Q4, 2021 issue of quarterly Supply Chain Movement is Networks & Transportation. This issue appeared digitally on november 25 and has been received in hard-copy november 26. 12 | Profile Isabelle …

Circular Tree

Sustainability, Trends, Visibility

Supply chain start-up in the spotlight: CircularTree

Companies often have little to no reliable information about the environmental and social impact of their supply chain, especially beyond their direct suppliers. CircularTree was founded in Berlin in 2018 with the aim of creating …

digital twins


Digital twins enable companies to continuously analyse risks

There is a seemingly endless stream of supply chain disruptions, and some factories are even at a standstill because of parts shortages and transport delays. Companies that have neglected their risk management are currently fighting …

click & collect service


H&M launches click & collect service with Budbee

Swedish fashion group H&M has introduced its own click & collect service in the Netherlands. It is the result of a partnership with the Swedish technology company Budbee, which has designed the new click & …



Supply chain crisis hits UK

The UK economy has been plunged into a supply chain crisis. Inventory levels at major retailers are at their lowest since 1983 due to worker shortages and logistics disruption resulting from COVID-19 and Brexit. Andrew Sentance, …


Reports, Webinar Recording

Recording webinar with Heidi Rosendal Larsen

Supply Chain Media and Heidi Rosendal Larsen organized the webinarΒ β€˜How to fit your supply chain to growth – in an ever changing world’.Β  Never before has risk mapping, equity and supplier relationship management meant so much …