Shell has fluctuating demand levels

Trends, Visibility

Shell integrates supply chain visibility

Shell has fluctuating demand levels for labour and materials at its oil platforms and refineries. Meeting those needs ‘just in time’ requires an effective, integrated approach to the management phases Plan, Source and Deliver, but …



Digital age calls for a different supply chain mindset

We are in the midst of a transition from the industrial age to the digital age. The existing mindset and planning processes are therefore no longer adequate, according to Lora Cecere and Sean Culey in …

Janet Godsell

inNOWvate, Reports, Sustainability, Trends

Janet Godsell: “Use your authority and become a pathfinder”

How can we make our supply chains sustainable? That’s the question companies must answer over the next 15 years. “If we stick to our linear supply chains, we’ll create a world on the brink of …


inNOWvate, Reports, Trends

Digital twin helps Medtronic to save time in supply chain

COVID-19 has been a catalyst for supply chain digitalization at many businesses, and Medtronic is no exception. The company has recently accelerated its implementation of a digital twin, control tower and integrated business planning. Besides …


inNOWvate, Reports, Trends

Winddle wins fourth European Supply Chain Start-up Contest

French start-up Winddle emerged as the winner of the fourth European Supply Chain Start-up Contest during the inNOWvate Supply Chain Event, which was held in Utrecht, the Netherlands, on 18 May. During this hybrid event, …


Trends, Webinar Recording

Recording webinar The Future of Work in Supply Chain 2030

Supply Chain Media organized a webinar about The Future of Work in Supply Chain. The world is changing rapidly, accelerated by the corona pandemic. Companies, businesses and supply chains are also forced to change and to innovate. …

Stocking index


Stocking index encourages inventory discussions

Inventory planners have struggled with stock levels more than ever over the past year. How can they make the right choices? In a recent episode of Webinar Wednesday, inventory experts from Slimstock shifted the attention …


inNOWvate, Trends

Practical insights into supply chain innovation following the COVID-19 pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has proved to be a major business reset for many companies. The COVID-19 outbreak revealed fundamental vulnerabilities in supply chains and accelerated the digital transformation. Speakers at the 4th inNOWvate Supply Chain …

checklist gender diversity for HR managers


Gender diversity checklist for HR managers

It is far from easy for talented female professionals to fulfill their potential at work. Supply Chain Media has previously published a checklist so that female high potentials can assess whether they themselves are doing …


Software, Trends, Webinar Recording

Recording Webinar Omni-channel WMS

The What, Why and How of Omni-channel Warehouse Management Anyone working in supply chain would agree that recent years has brought a range of new challenges. Event such as the Brexit, covid-19 crisis and the blockage …