Dominic Regan blog webinar


Orchestrating transportation with data

Logistics in modern companies not only supports corporate strategy, it enables it. And to meet today’s logistics challenges of the three C’s – customer service, carbon, and cost, these companies are looking to harness data. …


Trends, Webinar Recording

Recording webinar Top 28 Supply Chain Executives Europe 2021

Supply Chain Media, KMPG and Inspired- Search organized a webinar about the Top 28 Supply Chain Executives Europe. For this year’s edition, Supply Chain Media, KPMG Advisory and Inspired-Search scanned the top European executives and compiled a …



Hesselberg improves spare parts availability near the Polar circle

If you’re based in northern Norway, how can you get faulty construction equipment and forklifts up and running again as quickly as possible? During a recent Webinar Wednesday, Thomas Bach-Nilsen from the Hesselberg Group explained …

SCM Global Pub Quiz


Henkel wins second edition of SCM Global Pub Quiz

Besides causing widespread disruption in the supply chain, COVID-19 has also produced some positives – such as the new tradition of rounding off each year with a global pub quiz about supply chain management. In …

empty supermarket shelves

Software, Trends

New software reduces the chance of empty supermarket shelves

New software offers a solution for supply bottlenecks in international goods traffic. Experts from Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft – the largest applied research organization in Europe – have succeeded in developing IT solutions that significantly reduce the likelihood of empty …


Planning, Software, Trends

‘S&OP implementation can and must be much faster’

Many companies continue to struggle with sales & operations planning (S&OP) and integrated business planning (IBP). Eric van Dijk, CEO of Slimstock, advocates a practical approach. “You don’t learn how to play football by studying …



System dynamics

In view of the current global chaos in supply chains, what knobs are still left for companies to ‘twiddle’ right now? In the United Kingdom, there are reports of empty retail shelves and long queues …

supply chain


Supply chains aren’t broken, it’s more a question of demand

Mainstream news reports are full of claims that supply chains are broken, citing widespread product shortages, overflowing ports and spiking freight costs. But perhaps there is another way to understand what is happening: supply chains …


Trends, Webinar Recording

Recording webinar ‘Conquering the aftermarket with superior logistics’

Conquering the aftermarket with superior logistics. Boost your sales results via Supply Chain Planning. Be inspired by Hesselberg Group. Learn how a leading distributor of construction machinery and trucks, founded in 1897, realized a 34% sales …

Trend vision Tesisquare afbeelding

Trends, Visibility

Trend vision Tesisquare: Whirlpool on track to achieve global supply chain visibility

Visibility is one of the biggest supply chain challenges faced by organizations, especially when they are working with numerous external suppliers in a wildly fluctuating market like consumer electronics. One such manufacturer is Whirlpool, which …