Sustainability, Trends

Adidas adopts new supply chain transparency solution

TrusTrace, a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) company with a platform for product traceability and supply chain transparency within fashion and retail, has introduced TrusTrace Certified Material Compliance. This one-stop solution enables near real-time traceability at the material …

warehouse operations


Panic buying will worsen supply chain disruption from the war in Ukraine

Responding to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine by overstocking and double-ordering supplies risks creating unnecessary disruption,Β says Professor Carlos Cordon. By Carlos Cordon From discussions I’ve had with supply chain managers over the past week, it is clear there …



Supply chain start-up in the spotlight: Akuret

Akuret provides cloud-based software that helps retailers to achieve and maintain accurate inventory data and high on-shelf availability. ​The start-up was founded in Stockholm, Sweden, in 2019 by former Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) colleagues …

Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP)

Planning, Software, Trends

Sales & Operations Planning: just jump in at the deep end

Despite significant efforts, sales and operations remain two completely different worlds within many companies. How can we bring them closer together? Richard Evans from Slimstock advocated a practical approach during a recent Webinar Wednesday. Instead …

car industry


War in Ukraine deals a new blow to the German car industry

These are tough times for the German automotive industry. First the coronavirus pandemic caused a severe dent in car sales, then there was a shortage of microchips, and now the war in Ukraine is causing …



Pandemic leads to higher productivity, but also more stress among women

In the workplace, do women have the same opportunities as men? And how did men and women feel about working from home during the pandemic? On the day after International Women’s Day, Boom! – an …


Planning, Software, Trends, Webinar Recording

Recording webinar ‘Sales are from Venus; Operations are from Mars’

S&OP is the β€˜silver bullet’ that all the gurus preach about. So why isn’t it working for you? The answer is simple. People are motivated by what they are measured on. For Sales Directors, this means …

Jan van der Burg

Planning, Software, Trends

Future-proof and boost your business with a software-driven supply chain

Accurate and demand-driven forecasting has never been more important than in the past two years. Companies that rely mainly on their experience and gut feeling inevitably hit their limits during the covid pandemic. By Jan van …

Kees-Jan van Wees


Kees-Jan van Wees, Zeelandia: “Better continuity thanks to focusing on least rather than lowest cost”

Besides successful financial results and continuity, the primary goal of bakery ingredients supplier Zeelandia – which was founded in 1900 by Herman Johan Doeleman – is to keep the company in family hands for the …

supply chain bottlenecks


Manufacturers are relying on their inventories again in the face of supply chain bottlenecks

Supply chain bottlenecks are testing European manufacturing companies to their limits on a daily basis, and the situation has worsened significantly over the past year. These conclusions come from an international survey by the German …