Planning, Software, Trends

‘S&OP implementation can and must be much faster’

Many companies continue to struggle with sales & operations planning (S&OP) and integrated business planning (IBP). Eric van Dijk, CEO of Slimstock, advocates a practical approach. “You don’t learn how to play football by studying …

supply chain


Supply chains aren’t broken, it’s more a question of demand

Mainstream news reports are full of claims that supply chains are broken, citing widespread product shortages, overflowing ports and spiking freight costs. But perhaps there is another way to understand what is happening: supply chains …


Trends, Webinar Recording

Recording webinar ‘Conquering the aftermarket with superior logistics’

Conquering the aftermarket with superior logistics. Boost your sales results via Supply Chain Planning. Be inspired by Hesselberg Group. Learn how a leading distributor of construction machinery and trucks, founded in 1897, realized a 34% sales …

Trend vision Tesisquare afbeelding

Trends, Visibility

Trend vision Tesisquare: Whirlpool on track to achieve global supply chain visibility

Visibility is one of the biggest supply chain challenges faced by organizations, especially when they are working with numerous external suppliers in a wildly fluctuating market like consumer electronics. One such manufacturer is Whirlpool, which …



Supplier relationships can make or break the supply chain

The current supply chain crisis has further underlined the importance of good relationships with suppliers – on a personal level as well as a professional level. “The stronger the relationships are, the more resilient the …


Sustainability, Trends

CO2e emissions are offset for 50% of Forto’s ocean freight volumes

In the third quarter of 2021, 50% of Forto’s total ocean freight volume was shipped with a CO2e emissions offset. In the same period, 65% of customers chose to offset the emissions generated by their …



Tesla delivers record-breaking number of cars

Tesla delivered a record-breaking 237,823 cars in the third quarter of 2021. This achievement is particularly impressive in view of the global chip shortage and the fact that the car manufacturer is still not able …

Visual Trend vision Winddle Emilia Jevakhoff


Trend vision Winddle: “Supply chain excellence is impossible without efficient connectivity”

The supply chain has become a much more complex environment than it was just a few years ago. Trends like cross-organizational collaboration and meaningful data processing are stronger than ever as the overall situation has …

Trend Vision FourKites

Trends, Visibility

Trend vision FourKites: “Supply chain visibility drives business value”

Unpredictability can lead to various challenges for organizations, such as the risk of substantial financial consequences when delivery cannot be guaranteed. Real-time and predictive supply chain visibility technology can help to combat this volatile situation, …

Checklist for Supply Chain risk management

Checklist, Trends

Checklist for Supply Chain Risk Management

Geographical risk events are currently top-of-mind among purchasing and supply chain managers as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. While risks like quality control issues and mechanical failures are generally easier to predict, geographical risk …