
Self-assesment, Trends

Free end-to-end supply chain self-assessment

Supply Chain Media has developed a practical self-assessment tool for end-to-end supply chain visibility. It's particularly useful for companies during the current corona pandemic because it enables them to screen their entire supply chain. The …


Trends, Webinar Recording

Recording webinar International Women’s Day: Gender Equality and The Great Reset

The Great Reset – A new era for supply chain professionals or business as usual? As we emerge from the global pandemic, supply chain leaders are taking stock of the impact on their teams and shoring …



Manufacturers want to reshore but are wary of the problems

As many as 60% of manufacturing companies are considering bringing their production activities back to Europe or North America, according to a study by BCI Global and Supply Chain Media. However, reshoring is far from …

customer satisfaction


Supply chains need to make better use of customer satisfaction data

Customer preferences and expectations are changing at an ever-faster pace. Gartner therefore advises chief supply chain officers (CSCOs) to take three actions to improve the supply chain customer experience. “Supply chain customers today are looking …


Sustainability, Trends

War in Ukraine could accelerate supply chain sustainability

The war in Ukraine has added to the supply chain uncertainty. The conflict is having a major impact on freight flows worldwide, forcing businesses to reroute their deliveries. VDL Nedcar is just one example of …

Maturity Matrix 2022

inNOWvate, Maturity Matrix, Trends

Maturity Matrix 2022: Supply chain start-ups are riding the investment wave

European supply chain start-ups appear to be making the most of the huge wave of investment in digitalization. As the basis for its annual Maturity Matrix, Supply Chain Media analysed a total of 125 start-ups …

Visual checklist for fulfilment automation

Checklist, Software, Trends

Checklist for fulfilment automation

A series of forces are colliding to challenge the structure and operation of many supply chains and their ability to meet rapidly changing expectations for fulfilment of orders. Amazon Prime, same-day/next-day, the pandemic, shortages of …

Richard Evans

Planning, Software, Trends

How to sell S&OP to Sales (and everyone else)

Ever heard the story of the American man who mistakenly bought London Bridge, thinking he was buying Tower Bridge (the pretty one)? By Richard Evans Rumour has it he bought it, brick for brick, to have as …


Trends, Visibility, Webinar Recording

Recording webinar ‘Maximize supply chain visibility’

Supply Chain Media organized together with Tesisquare a webinar about how to maximize supply chain visibility. It is not an overstatement to say that supply chain complexity can be both a boon and a bane. New …



Prioritization in supply chain: delay, delegate or do?

Today’s supply chain disruptions demand a great deal of attention, but supply chain executives have so many other issues – such as digitization and sustainability – to deal with. How on earth can they set …