Avery Dennison


Avery Dennison expands European production capacity

Avery Dennison is to expand its manufacturing capacity and improve its factory efficiency in Europe in response to the growing demand for its label and packaging materials. The company has earmarked €60 million for the …

Digital Twin


Supply chain digital twin helps Intel and La-Z-Boy to respond faster

In view of the steady stream of supply chain disruptions, there is a rapidly growing need for fast scenario analysis. What should be done if a production line grinds to a halt or a distribution …

decision intelligence supply chain

Exclusively in magazine, Trends

Decision intelligence supports the ‘simultaneous chess games’ in supply chain management

Constant change and disruptions have become the new normal. As a result, the traditional way of managing the supply chain is no longer effective. If you want more insight into the effects of disruptions and …


Software, Trends, Webinar Recording

Recording webinar ‘How to use scenario modelling to withstand the next supply chain crisis’

Continuous network analysis allows for timely adjustments of your supply chain, saving you big money. Constant disruptions, lack of skilled people, limited transportation options, shortage of materials – these are only a few of the supply …

European supply chain start-up contest 2021

inNOWvate, Reports, Trends

European Supply Chain Start-up Contest finalists are Garvis, Responsibly and Seedtrace

The supply chain start-ups Garvis, Responsibly and Seedtrace have been announced as the finalists in the European Supply Chain Start-up Contest, based on their business strategy and PowerPoint pitch of their innovative solution. In the …



Thousands of containers destined for Russia stuck in Rotterdam

Over 7,000 shipping containers bound for Russia are currently stuck at the Port of Rotterdam due to the European sanctions. They are taking up valuable space, and some of them have been there for several …


Exclusively in magazine, Trends, Visibility

Belgian and Dutch ports are putting blockchain into practice

As many as 95% of all blockchain pilots have been stopped, according to consulting firm Deloitte. “Our solution, which uses blockchain as the basis for the secure release of digital pick-up rights for containers, is …

data-driven leadership


‘Data-driven leadership is not just within your own four walls’

In today’s volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) world, data is crucial to help supply chain professionals recognize, analyse and manage operational challenges, among other things. The availability and generation of data within companies is …


Trends, Webinar Recording

Recording webinar ‘Mastering order fulfilment with decision intelligence’

The current economic climate has created a perfect storm of issues, combining a series of supply side disruptions and cost rises with an almost unprecedented level of demand volatility. Planning has become almost impossible, causing …

transport data

Sustainability, Trends

Primary transport data is key in reducing carbon footprint

Companies are under increasing pressure to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions, but as much as 60% of those emissions are caused by suppliers and transport partners upstream in the supply chain. So what can you …