
Sustainability, Trends

Mewa: a pioneer in textile sharing

Mewa, a European producer of workwear and cleaning cloths, has won a string of awards for its commitment to sustainability. In 2021, for example, it received the Italian ‘Best Performer of the Circular Economy’ award …

sustainable deliveries

Sustainability, Trends

Consumers willing to wait longer for sustainable deliveries

Almost half of Dutch consumers (49%) are willing to accept longer delivery times from sustainable online retailers and, above all, for sustainable delivery options, according to research by Descartes Systems Group. Moreover, 49% are happy …



Amazon to acquire robot builder Cloostermans

Amazon is acquiring the Belgian firm Cloostermans, a builder of mechatronics solutions including logistics robots, as part of its continued investment in supply chain automation. The e-commerce giant from the US has been using Cloostermans’ …


Sustainability, Trends

Picnic halts deliveries of frozen products due to lack of dry ice

Online supermarket Picnic has temporarily stopped delivering frozen products. This is due to a shortage of dry ice which is used to keep the frozen products cool during transport to customers. The high gas prices …


Trends, Webinar Recording

Recording webinar ‘How to balance inventory in an uncertain world?’

The principles of supply chain success remain unchanged: the right stock, in the right place at the right time. But achieving this utopia has never been more challenging or costly. As businesses look ahead towards the end …



Focus on the consequences of disruptions, not the causes

There’s little point in simply making a list of all the incidents that could disrupt the supply chain. There should be more focus on the impact of those incidents rather than on the incidents themselves. …


Trends, Webinar Recording

Recording webinar ‘Tired of “managing” risks? Start incorporating risk into decision-making. Now!’

We have to acknowledge that each supply chain disruption uncovers that we are not very good at supply chain risk management as it is conducted today. We do not learn from past disruptions. We are …


Planning, Software, Trends

Supply chain start-up in the spotlight: Garvis

Garvis is on a mission to make the use of artificial intelligence (AI) for forecasting and demand planning easy, accessible and explainable, while keeping the planners in control. The company has developed a bionic planning solution …

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainability, Trends

The Statement: UN sustainability goals lead to ‘cherry picking’

The ongoing droughts around the world are causing major supply chain problems. As a result, sustainability is gaining ever more prominence on companies’ strategic agendas. Supply Chain Media has asked a number of supply chain …

AS Watson investment


A.S. Watson’s investment in supply chain transformation pays off during pandemic

The A.S. Watson Group has emerged unscathed from the pandemic. According to the recent announcement of the interim results by parent company CK Hutchison, the world’s largest health & beauty retailer reported an impressive revenue …