Trend vision Oracle Glen Campbell

Trend visions, Trends

Trend Vision Oracle: Agility in the supply chain is key

In a supply chain that is experiencing frequent and unpredictable disruptions, organization face a broad range of challenges. Especially being able to react flexibly to changes is high on the agenda of supply chain professionals. …

Utilize digital transformation

Trend visions, Trends

Trend Vision EyeOn: How to become more flexible?

"Both internally and externally, companies are facing growing uncertainty," says André Vriens, Managing Partner and Senior Consultant at EyeOn. "Consumer demand has become even more volatile, and in addition there is increasing uncertainty in the …

Visual Ecosystem for household products

Ecosystem, Trends, Visibility, Visuals

Ecosystem for household products

Due to numerous disruptions and rapidly changing needs, the market has evolved from traditional, largely stable linear supply chains into dynamic global supply chain ecosystems. During the pandemic, the market for household products experienced new …

late online deliveries

Software, Trends

Increase in delays: half of all consumers encounter late online deliveries

The logistics sector is feeling the effects of the labour shortage. The battle to recruit and retain staff has begun, with carriers now offering employment contracts to delivery drivers. Meanwhile, consumers are already experiencing delays. …


Sustainability, Trends

Mewa: a pioneer in textile sharing

Mewa, a European producer of workwear and cleaning cloths, has won a string of awards for its commitment to sustainability. In 2021, for example, it received the Italian ‘Best Performer of the Circular Economy’ award …


Trends, Webinar Recording

Recording webinar ‘How to balance inventory in an uncertain world?’

The principles of supply chain success remain unchanged: the right stock, in the right place at the right time. But achieving this utopia has never been more challenging or costly. As businesses look ahead towards the end …



Focus on the consequences of disruptions, not the causes

There’s little point in simply making a list of all the incidents that could disrupt the supply chain. There should be more focus on the impact of those incidents rather than on the incidents themselves. …

Budbee and Instabox


Budbee and Instabox to join forces in parcel delivery

Budbee and Instabox, two originally Swedish parcel delivery companies, are merging to form a new holding company: Instabee. This combination is intended to create more strength to invest in sustainable, last-mile parcel delivery. Instabox has been …


Trends, Webinar Recording

Recording webinar ‘Tired of “managing” risks? Start incorporating risk into decision-making. Now!’

We have to acknowledge that each supply chain disruption uncovers that we are not very good at supply chain risk management as it is conducted today. We do not learn from past disruptions. We are …

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainability, Trends

The Statement: UN sustainability goals lead to ‘cherry picking’

The ongoing droughts around the world are causing major supply chain problems. As a result, sustainability is gaining ever more prominence on companies’ strategic agendas. Supply Chain Media has asked a number of supply chain …