Sustainability, Trends

BISCI: Joining forces for circularity

The fact that achieving a circular society is primarily a matter of joining forces was underlined during the event ‘Dare to be circular’. This event, organized by the Brightlands Institute for Supply Chain Innovation (BISCI) …

women in supply chain


Number of women in supply chain is growing, but painfully slowly

The importance of International Women’s Day became especially clear during a recent Webinar Wednesday, which revealed that the share of women in supply chain is growing, but only very slowly. Within today’s male-dominated workplaces, too …


Reports, Trends

Allianz: The increase in strikes, riots and protests is testing business resilience

Companies worldwide would be wise to remain vigilant about the threat of strikes, riots and civil commotion (SRCC). In addition to causing costly property damage to buildings or assets, they can severely disrupt operations, resulting …

Max Thinius


Futurologist Max Thinius: ‘Digitalization is driving a shift to decentralized structures’

Companies like Ikea and PPG are experimenting with local production. This is one of the consequences of today’s digital age, argued futurologist Max Thinius during material handling specialist Dematic’s European Customer Day. “Globally, we are …


Trends, Webinar Recording

Recording webinar ‘International Women’s Day: Embrace DE&I in Supply Chain’

How to attract, retain and promote more women in supply chain management? Diversity, equity and inclusion is not only good for people but also provides significant advantages to organisations that prioritize and invest in these …

supply chain start-ups

inNOWvate, Maturity Matrix, Trends

Supply chain start-ups still in demand among investors

As applications for the Supply Chain Start-Up Contest pour in from across Europe, and Supply Chain Media have taken stock of the start-up market on Webinar Wednesday. The main conclusion is that supply chain …

crippling decision-making

Blogs, Software, Trends

The key to success lies in operations

In the space of one week, Amazon and Microsoft announced layoffs affecting 20,000 people. This sent shockwaves in Seattle, a city that has been living in a tech bubble for the past decade or so. …



Groenewout acquired by Germany’s EPG Consulting

Dutch supply chain consulting firm Groenewout is being acquired by the German firm EPG Consulting. By joining forces, the two companies hope to further strengthen their market position and expand their client portfolio, both in …


Trends, Webinar Recording

Recording webinar ‘Supply chain start ups in Europe drive innovation’

Compared with a year ago, start-ups in Europe are finding it more difficult to raise capital. Supply chain start-ups, however, appear to be the exception to the rule. Together with Markus Börner (Prequel Ventures and and …

customer enablement


Gartner: ‘‘Customer enablement will become the norm within five years’’

Supply chain organizations that empower customers to do things themselves are twice as likely to receive repeat orders than companies that focus purely on customer satisfaction or convenience, according to new research by analyst firm …