
Exclusively in magazine, Trends

When supply chain becomes a battlefield

Many of the challenges businesses are currently facing – shortages, volatile demand, inflation, sanctions and supply chain disruption – are also characteristics of a wartime economy. According to Roberto Crippa, Supply Chain Director at IWT …

Visual Roadmap for decarbonizing your supply chain

Road Map, Sustainability, Trends

Roadmap for decarbonizing your supply chain

According to consulting firm McKinsey, active supply-chain decarbonization is becoming a licence to operate for businesses. But companies aiming for responsible sourcing are hindered by fragmented data pipelines. The task of evaluating millions of suppliers …

… … battlefield Want to read more? Download Supply Chain Movement Q3, 2022 for free. Eline Oudenbroek

Exclusively in magazine, Magazine, Reports, Trends

Supply Chain Movement 47 | Resilience & Systems

The main theme of the Q4, 2022 issue of quarterly Supply Chain Movement is Resilience & Systems. Read this issue for free here.  Publication Date: December 2, 2022 10 | Profile Eline Oudenbroek In 1994, the founder of …

Checklist, Trends

Checklist for warehouse robotization

Last year, there were a record-breaking 490,000 vacancies in the warehousing and transportation sector, according to The Washington Post, and that number continues to rise. On the other hand, there are reports that robotics and …


Trends, Visibility

Scania explores tracking & tracing for incoming goods

Truck manufacturer Scania Group plans to start tracking & tracing incoming goods and is currently testing a solution by InnoTractor. This Dutch start-up is using Internet of Things (IoT) technology to help Scania gain insight …

robotization and AI


Only 40% of companies see logistics value of robotization and AI

Just 40% of the manufacturing, wholesale, large-scale retail and transport & logistics companies who see room for improvement in their logistics processes believe that robotization and artificial intelligence (AI) can add value. These findings come …


Sustainability, Trends, Webinar Recording

Recording webinar ‘Disruptions in the Logistics Industry and potential future strategies’

The universe of logistics is changing rapidly and irreversibly due geopolitical unrests, high energy prices and a possibly upcoming recession. The corona pandemic and the war in Ukraine have forced manufacturing, wholesale, retail and logistics …

Best of SOP Selection Day 2022

Planning, Software, Trends

The key slides of the S&OP Selection Day 2022

How do you maintain a useful and solid Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP) process in these extremely volatile and very uncertain times? And how do you find the right supporting software tools in a world …

supply chain leaks


Independent audits expose supply chain leaks

Of all goods flowing through retail supply chains, 2.1% fail to make it through unscathed due to errors by suppliers and retailers while delivering, receiving, picking and loading those goods. Independent random checks can uncover …

The Supply Chain Management Startups Handbook

Books, Trends

Second edition handbook proves growth of supply chain start-ups

The 2nd edition of The Supply Chain Management Startups Handbook is now available. Launched earlier this month, this year’s handbook presents profiles of more than 340 supply chain start-ups that can help to tackle supply …