

73% of companies change supply chain to achieve greater resilience

As many as 73% of companies have added or removed manufacturing sites in their supply chain over the past two years. This is according to new research from Gartner. These changes are the result of …


Trends, Webinar Recording

Recording webinar ‘The growing importance of Supply Chain Learning and Development’

Uncertainty is a fact of life within supply chains. In today’s VUCA world, organisations struggle to maintain their supply chain performance, let alone improve it. And it is supply chain performance which is the foundation …


Software, Trends

S&OP should offer companies a helicopter view

Is Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP) a science or an art? That is the question Jan Kraaijeveld of Slimstock discussed during Webinar Wednesday. The reason that many companies struggle with S&OP, he said, is because …



Ikea expands drone use for inventory management

Ikea has been utilizing drones for inventory management for some time, but is now expanding its use of the technology. The Swedish chain of department stores will deploy an upgraded AI-powered system that supports its …

extreme weather


Management of stock for extreme weather leaves much to be desired

Despite the growth of e-commerce, 53% of consumers prefer to visit a shop when preparing for extreme weather. However, only a third are satisfied with retailers’ stock management. This is according to new research by …


Exclusively in magazine, Trends

Warehouses seek refuge in robots and automation

Robots, often now even with human names, are taking over much of the work in warehouses at a rapid pace. What are the driving forces behind the current wave of automation? And what role do …

Opaque sustainability software market causes confusion

Software, Subway Map, Trends

Opaque sustainability software market causes confusion

The global supply chain sustainability software market will grow from US$1.7 billion in 2023 to US$7.7 billion in 2029, according to UK analysts Verdantix. This fast-growing software market is currently hugely opaque, causing problems for …


Planning, Trends, Webinar Recording

Recording webinar ‘S&OP: Science, art or both?’

Aligning your departments requires careful navigation. Often, the translation of available data into management insights falls short. However, S&OP offers a solution by bridging the gap between supply chain planning and execution. Jan Kraaijeveld, Sales …

logistics transformations


76% of logistics transformations fail to meet targets

As many as 76% of logistics transformations fail to achieve set goals because they do not meet critical budget, timeline or key performance indicator (KPI) metrics. This is according to new research from analyst firm …

soft skills

Exclusively in magazine, Trends

Companies increasingly depend on executives’ soft skills

With increasing frequency, the tasks of supply chain executives at home and abroad require them to use their so-called ‘soft skills’. This is clearly apparent from the responses by executives about reducing Scope 3 emissions …