home delivery


Home-delivery preferences vary between generations

When it comes to home delivery, different generations of consumers have different preferences. This is one of the findings from a new study by software vendor Descartes among more than 8,000 people across Europe and …

Accell Group


Accell Group becomes latest bicycle manufacturer stuck with excess inventory

Accell Group is the latest bicycle manufacturer to struggle with extremely high stock levels stemming from the supply issues during the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, the group’s net profit fell by as much as …

machine learning

Software, Trends

Machine learning supports quality control in manufacturing

ML6 has introduced a hybrid machine learning solution for optimizing quality control in manufacturing processes. This solution combines a standardized approach with customization. According to the Belgian scale-up, which is specialized in artificial intelligence and …

Mindmap value chain resilience

Mindmap, Trends

Mindmap for Value Chain Resilience

Since the COVID-19 crisis, every company has had to manage increased uncertainty in both supply and demand. How to deal with this uncertain environment and create competitive advantage in the 'new normal' is one of …

Sales and Operations Planning Conference


Sales and Operations Planning Conference

The 12th edition of the Sales and Operations Planning Conference will be held at the prestigious Hilton Hotel in Paris La DΓ©fense from September 20th to 22nd, 2023. This event promises to enrich your business …

women in supply chain

Reports, Trends

Women now fill a quarter of supply chain C-suite roles

Women have made a strong comeback at nearly every level of supply chain leadership in 2023. Especially good progress has been made at the C-suite and executive levels, with women now holding 26% of CSCO/SVP/EVP/CPO …

S&OP assessment 2023

Self-assesment, Trends

S&OP Self-assessment 2023

Your objective is a supply chain which is optimally aligned with market demand. Hence, sales & operations planning (S&OP) is crucial. But what does S&OP really contribute to your company's performance? Is S&OP delivering demonstrable …

Co-creation is a key reason for choosing start-ups

Sustainability, Software, Trends

Co-creation is a key reason for choosing start-ups

Why do some businesses prefer to work with a supply chain start-up rather than an established software vendor? Consultant Peter Schram had posed that question to several companies, and shared his findings during a recent …

sustainability of shipping options

Sustainability, Trends

Online shoppers want information about sustainability of shipping options

As people are doing more of their shopping online, e-retailers are coming under greater pressure to focus on sustainability. Research by Manhattan Associates shows that nearly six out of ten Dutch consumers value transparency about …


Sustainability, Trends

Lidl achieves 40% reduction in logistics-related carbon emissions

Lidl has become the first supermarket in the Netherlands to receive a 3-star Lean & Green rating for reducing COβ‚‚ emissions in its logistics operations. Over the past seven years, Lidl’s carbon emissions have decreased …