strategic fork

Blogs, Trends

Safe-space battlefield

Two factors contribute to good performance for learning organizations: making mistakes and having a safe working environment. With these research findings, US Professor Amy Edmondson of Harvard Business School captures the importance of psychological safety …

unintended side effects

Blogs, Trends

Lessons from korfball

My academic life is intertwined with the supply chain profession. I have done research covering the entire field, from strategic supply chain choices to detailed production planning. The world of korfball has largely dominated my …

Leaderboard Webinar Wednesday BlueYonder 12-12-2024 tm 19-1-2025
Checklist for WMS software

Checklist, Trends

Checklist for WMS software

In today’s dynamic e-commerce landscape, efficient warehouse management is essential for maintaining a competitive edge. Cloudbased Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) have emerged as a critical solution, providing enhanced flexibility, scalability, and operational efficiency. Given the …

no-touch supply chain

Exclusively in magazine, Trends

No-touch supply chain is still a long way off

Artificial intelligence (AI) offers limitless possibilities, it seems. Not so long ago, we appeared to be moving rapidly towards a supply chain where smart machines would completely take care of planning. In practice, it seems …

Leaderboard BlueYonder roadmap 16-12-2024 tm 19-1-2025


Lego opens new European DC in Belgium

The Lego Group has added a new regional distribution centre (DC) in Tessenderlo, Belgium. According to the Danish toy manufacturer, the new DC provides more flexibility and resilience in the supply chain. As a result, …

strategic fork

Blogs, Trends

Digital climb

Supply chain directors seem to be struggling to claim their share of available artificial intelligence (AI) budgets. Despite – or perhaps because of – the current struggling economy, executives have freed up budgets for AI, …

Leaderboard Tesisquare checklist 16-12-2024 tm 19-1-2025


Automation is aimed at reducing the impact of staff shortages

More than half of supply chain and logistics leaders (54%) are focusing on automating repetitive tasks to improve their employees’ productivity. At the same time, this also addresses the impact of staff shortages. This is …



African savannah shows what supply chain needs

The supply chain can still learn a lot from the savannah, it emerged during the SCM Directors Event. Just before Eline Oudenbroek was presented as list leader of the Top 26 Supply Chain Directors in …