Books, Content

Supply Chain Analysis

Academic research results in the field of supply chain management were often obtained from ideal circumstances with generic conditions. Supply chain professionals, on the other hand, developed cost-effective strategies on the basis of local and …

Books, Content, Sustainability

Cradle to cradle

‘From grain to drink’ and ‘from sand to customer’ are familiar slogans in the total overview of a supply chain that certainly appeals to the imagination. Architect William McDonough and chemist Michael Braungart are now …

Books, Content

How Countries Compete

The global competition between countries and companies is increasing proportionally to the rapid globalisation. More than ever before, governments of different countries are competing with one another. The title ‘How Countries Compete’ by Richard H.K. …

Books, Content

Dragons at Your Door

The book ‘Dragons at Your Door’ by Ming Zeng and Peter J. Williamson gives a surprising, fascinating insight into the ways in which Chinese companies, innovatively and successfully, compete in the world market. The two …

Books, Content

The Definitive Drucker

Peter Drucker is, even after his death in 2005, perhaps the most important management guru of all times. Some of his famous sayings include: ‘Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things’, …

Books, Content

The Long Tail

The very readable book ‘The Long Tail’ by Chris Anderson is a discussion of a relatively new phenomenon. Namely that the sales of products in small numbers in particular yield huge proceeds due to the …