

In e-commerce, supply chain and business strategy are merging

With a growing number of online retailers now offering to provide third-party logistics to vendors, the boundaries are blurring between e-commerce and logistics. In 2017 we identified a nascent trend in the consumer goods market …

Top 28 Supply Chain Executives


Top 28 Supply Chain Executives: storytelling increasingly important

What are the key trends and themes in supply chain? And what skills do supply chain executives need for this? Numbers 2 and 3 from the Top 28 Supply Chain Executives, Paul Campbell of PepsiCo …


Trends, Webinar Recording

Recording webinar ‘Discover the paramount skills for supply chain leaders’

Storytelling and change management are the most important skills for supply chain leaders. Even more important than the ability to think about strategy, transformation, resilience and scenario planning. Key challenges for supply chain executives include …


Reports, Trends

Special Top 28 Supply Chain Executives Europe 2023

With the world in turmoil, companies and their supply chains are constantly facing diverse and unexpected disruptions. Storytelling and change management are the most important skills for supply chain leaders – more important even than …

Ewan Andrew


Diageo’s Ewan Andrew leads the Top 28 Supply Chain Executives Europe 2023 ranking

Ewan Andrew, Chief Supply Chain Officer at Diageo in the United Kingdom, has taken the number 1 spot in the 2023 edition of the Top 28 Supply Chain Executives Europe, climbing from seventh place in …

supply constraints


Research finds evidence of supply constraints

European manufacturers and suppliers are preventing businesses from sourcing goods abroad. In the Netherlands, such territorial supply constraints (TSCs) lead to higher prices for consumers, lower profit margins for businesses and limits on product ranges, …

work-related stress


High level of work-related stress among logistics employees

Three out of five logistics employees say they are currently experiencing work-related stress, according to research by Quinyx, a vendor of AI-based workforce-planning software. The biggest stress factor among logistics workers is the fear that they …


Sustainability, Trends

New Bestseller distribution centre combines design with sustainability

Danish fashion firm Bestseller is proving that distribution centres don’t necessarily have to be ugly ‘big box’ buildings. In the Dutch town of Lelystad, the company plans to construct a distribution centre (DC) that combines …

digitization of container transport


Standardization paves the way for digitization of container transport

The transport of a single container can easily involve 30 different stakeholders and up to 50 sheets of paper. Digitizing the industry will not only save a lot of paper, but also billions of dollars …

purchasing robots

Books, Trends

Purchasing robots will drive e-commerce into the background

Physical devices and AI systems that place their own orders are leading to a ‘megatrend that will have higher significance than digital commerce’, argues analyst firm Gartner in the book, ‘When machines become customers’. How …