
A time of shortages

In terms of our standard of living, we are in the midst of a time of excess in the Netherlands, despite the current economic crisis. However, we are all too aware of the periods of …

Procter & Gamble launch supplier sustainability scorecard

Sustainability, Trends

Procter & Gamble launch supplier sustainability scorecard

Following on from Wal-Mart and IBM, Procter & Gamble (P&G) has adopted a sustainability scorecard for its supply chain. On 12th May 2010, P&G, well known for brands such as Pringles, Duracell and Gillette, announced …


Natural circles

The word ‘sustainable’ causes various responses, in several senses. In April this year, economists at ING observed an ongoing recovery of industrial activity in the Netherlands, yet there was no mention of a sustainable recovery …


Compact supply chain communication competition

Supply chain management is all about efficiency and effectiveness: correct delivery to the customer in as few steps as possible. That sounds clear and simple, ‘efficient and effective’, yet it can only be achieved through …

Crucibles of Leadership

Books, Content

Crucibles of Leadership

All true leaders have been formed by a crucial experience in their past, and most of these crucial experiences occurred outside rather than within the safe confines of work or school, and at unexpected moments. …


10 trends in 2010

I’ve been promoted! Having chaired the well-received congress that we organised, Supply Chain in One Day, twice Iast year, I will be speaking as closing key note speaker at two different events within the space …


Supply Chain Management and the Executive Agenda

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and supply chain consultancy firm TruEconomy have launched a research community to bring together business professionals and academics to develop ideas, practical principles and critical thinking in the area …

Books, Content, Planning, Software

Necessary but not sufficient

A great deal has been published about Baan Company, in many different media. The best-known book is the one by Mark Houben and Jeroen Wester of the Dutch newspaper Het Financieele Dagblad, which gives an …

Books, Content

Account management in the Supply Chain

A book about customer-oriented collaboration in the Supply Chain sounds very promising, like an inspiring subject. For a long time, major multinationals in particular focused on chain control of internal collaborations with sister and parent …

Books, Content

Strategies and tactics in supply chain event management

The authors of 'Strategies and tactics in supply chain event management' have bundled a number of articles about theories, methods and tools for dealing with various disruptions in the supply chain. The book is mainly …