unintended side effects

Blogs, Software, Trends

Focus on process design

With the wave of consolidation among vendors of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems and planning software, many supply chain improvement projects have now become more like software implementations. Central to this is that operational and …


Webinar Recording, Trends

Recording webinar ‘Starting Supply Chain Network Design’

Watch the recorded webinar of AIMMS and learn what it takes to implement advanced supply chain network design technology and when to expect results. This session will cover key topics, including: • Supply chain network design …

Leaderboard Webinar Wednesday BlueYonder 12-12-2024 tm 19-1-2025

Software, Trends

Companies want a flexible WMS from a problem-solving vendor

During Webinar Wednesday on 18 September, the five participating vendors of Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) agreed on one thing: the differences between their systems are small. Each WMS has all the functionality that is indispensable …

home delivery


Low cost and punctuality of home delivery are more important than speed

Dutch consumers generally consider the lowest delivery costs (29%) and punctuality (28%) to be most important in home deliveries. This is followed by fastest delivery (18%), most convenient delivery (15%) and most environmentally friendly delivery …

Leaderboard BlueYonder roadmap 16-12-2024 tm 19-1-2025
Changing agri-food ecosystem

Ecosystem, Trends

Changing agri-food ecosystem

The agri-food ecosystem and its supply chains are undergoing rapid evolution, driven by factors such as technological advancements, climate change, shifting consumer preferences, inflation and regulatory changes. To facilitate necessary collaboration and digitalization within agri-food …

Checklist for Scope 3 for logistics

Sustainability, Checklist, Trends

Checklist for Scope 3 for logistics

Collecting data for Scope 3 reporting is one of the most complex and challenging aspects of CSRD compliance, posing significant difficulties for many companies. Solutions that automate this time-consuming task are increasingly in demand. Managing Scope …

Leaderboard Tesisquare checklist 16-12-2024 tm 19-1-2025
deforestation-free products

Sustainability, Trends

Satellite images combined with data provide hard evidence for deforestation-free products

How can you prove that goods have not been produced on deforested land? Public satellite images do not provide sufficient proof of deforestation-free products, Satelligence believes. For that, those images need to be combined with …

Mindmap AI in supply chains

Mindmap, Trends

Mindmap AI in supply chains

The recent developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) since the launch of ChatGPT in late 2022 are astonishing and changing the business dramatically. AI is also revolutionizing supply chains by addressing some of the most pressing …