Mindmap for Value Chain Resilience

Mindmap value chain resilience

Since the COVID-19 crisis, every company has had to manage increased uncertainty in both supply and demand. How to deal with this uncertain environment and create competitive advantage in the ‘new normal’ is one of the key topics in the boardroom.

Now more than ever, companies need to be resilient and responsive to unforeseen changes in their business environment; they need ‘value chain resilience’. But how can companies go about creating a resilient value chain? Consultancy firm Involvation and Supply Chain Media have designed a mindmap providing a holistic view of value chain resilience and including practical tips.

Mindmap manual

Value chain resilience can be sub-divided into three phases of disruption: pre-disruption, during a disruption and post-disruption. This mindmap for value chain resilience is applicable in all three phases.

A company’s value chain resilience needs to be addressed from four key angles, each with its own drivers and considerations.

Supply chain design

The first angle relates to the company’s supply chain design. The key drivers are a clear business strategy, understanding of the ecosystem, the right choices in the footprint and supply base, complexity reduction and digitalization.


The second angle considers the collaboration both inside and outside the organization. In this case, it is all about intelligence, decision-making and partnerships.


The right behaviour of the company’s people is a critical success factor and this is the third angle to be addressed.


The fourth angle is all about agility. The key drivers are visibility, velocity and smart buffering.

It is important to monitor your resilience actions using the right KPIs; ones that measure not only the results of your actions, but also how your company’s resilience capabilities are developing. After all, resilience is not a one-off action, but a continuous process. In fact, it’s a lifestyle!

Download the mindmap

Fill in the form below and download the full mindmap here to achieve value chain resilience.