Keynote Filip Buytaert | S&OP Vendor Day 2021

Presentatie Filip Buytaert

Supply Chain Media organized the first hybrid edition of S&OP Vendor Day on October 13, 2021. “Taste the flavours of S&OP Vendors” in one day. The main topic of this new and innovative international event in Utrecht and online was the selection of a suitable S&OP software vendor and the implementation of the solution. Besides independent keynotes from well-known companies about their S&OP journey, leading companies presented their solutions in a 30-minute breakout session as well as at their booths. Filip Buytaert presented the hurdles in the journey to IBP.

Introducing IBP is hard – and many companies fail along the way. Where traditional S&OP (Sales & Operations planning) is primarily focused on matching demand & supply,  the ambition of IBP is “next level”  expecting  fully aligned product, demand, supply plans financialized with scenario thinking, gap closing on the 24-36 months horizon. Driving up the IBP maturity levels results in better demand sensing, more agile supply and faster innovation. So enough reasons to expect all stakeholders to be fully engaged?

The truth is that  getting the IBP mindset  in the company goes over many hurdles. Getting all people on board requires a “change management” approach with high buy-in from leaders up to Executive Committee. Setting principles on the rituals, expected behaviors is key. Getting the short term issues handled in a “Sales & Operations Execution” weekly ritual ensures IBP monthly cycle focuses on mid & long term. IBP has to be supported with proper technology capturing our plans, performance indicators to allow the learning from the past in a fast way.

A realistic roadmap, regular review & assessments are absolutely needed. Gemba-walks are a nice way to create within the company a learning culture – nothing better than a peer from another business unit attending an IBP step and provide constructive feedback and coaching.

AkzoNobel had several attempts on an IBP introduction over the last decade and faced every time the rituals weakened and faded to a level of S&OP or completely disappeared. The introduction of IBP on a global basis in 2017 has finally led to success – achieving a high performance IBP culture fully embedded. IBP is the showroom: attending an IBP meeting – DMR, SMR, PMR, MBR should give an immediate picture on current state, opportunities & vulnerabilities, gaps to the ambition level the company has set. But every cycle is a learning – IBP is about re-inventing ourselves and taking the hurdles – to come to a next level in performance!

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The slide deck is available for download below.

Download: Slides Filip Buytaert | S&OP Vendor Day 2021