Half of logistics workers experience work-related stress

work-related stress

Almost half (48%) of logistics workers in the Netherlands are currently experiencing work-related stress. This is according to research by Quinyx. The most frequently cited cause of this stress is that employees fear that their salary is insufficient to pay all the bills.

Financial worries rank top (21%) among causes of work-related stress. Too many working hours and long working days (19%) also cause a lot of stress, as does understaffing (15%). ‘As our survey shows, the tight labour market is definitely having a negative impact on logistics employees in terms of work stress,’ explains Toma Pagojute, CHRO at Quinyx, provider of AI-driven workforce management software.

German employees are the most stressed

Quinyx’s survey was conducted internationally. It shows that logistics workers in Denmark are the least stressed, followed by those in the Netherlands. On average, 60% of logistics workers experience work-related stress. At 76%, German employees are the most stressed. ‘Financial insecurity and long working hours affect not only employees themselves, but also the performance of the entire company. This study highlights that solutions to work stress can be a win-win for everyone,’ says Pagojute.

Millennials experience the most work-related stress

Interestingly, millennials (aged 25 to 45) suffer the most from work stress. In the Netherlands, more than half (55%) of logistics workers in this age group experience it, compared to a slightly lower percentage (47%) among Generation Z (aged 18 to 25). Work stress is lowest (35%) among the over-45s.