Checklist for Scope 3 for logistics

Checklist for Scope 3 for logistics

Collecting data for Scope 3 reporting is one of the most complex and challenging aspects of CSRD compliance, posing significant difficulties for many companies. Solutions that automate this time-consuming task are increasingly in demand.

Managing Scope 3 emissions, particularly those related to transportation (categories 3.4 and 3.9), is a significant challenge for many companies. These emissions, which stem from upstream and downstream transportation activities, can account for as much as 40% of a company’s total greenhouse gas emissions, depending on the industry. Accurately capturing the necessary data for these emissions is critical, yet it remains a complex and resource-intensive task.

Data from logistics partners

One of the primary hurdles is collecting consistent and precise data from logistics service providers. The multi-modal nature of supply chains, involving various transport types like road, sea and air, along with different vehicle sizes and fuel types, complicates the data collection process. According to the Global Compact Network Germany, approximately 60% of companies struggle with obtaining standardized and reliable data from their logistics providers.

This lack of standardized data collection methods makes it difficult for companies to accurately measure and report their Scope 3 emissions, hindering their ability to track sustainability progress. To address these challenges, companies must establish clear goals for data collection, work closely with their logistics partners, and consider adopting standardized tools and frameworks to streamline the data gathering and reporting process. By doing so, they can better manage their Scope 3 emissions and make meaningful strides toward reducing their overall carbon footprint while staying compliant with regulations such as the CSRD and standards like ISO14083.

Download the ‘Checklist for Scope 3 for logistics’

Supply chain software vendor Gryn and Supply Chain Movement have drawn up a checklist to help you assess your company’s Scope 3 transport emission reporting. Answer these 10 questions and find out whether the Scope 3 reporting for the transportation-related emissions of your company is below par, reasonable or optimal.

Find more checklists of Supply Chain Movement here >>

Download: Checklist for Scope 3 for logistics