

planning and execution

Planning, Trends

Getting ahead of disruptions with integrated planning and execution

Supply chain planners are adept at forecasting, but not so good at reacting to unexpected events. That is the strength of their colleagues in warehousing and transport, but in turn they often forget to forecast. …

clothing industry

Sustainability, Trends

Circular clothing industry still has a long way to go

The Netherlands is aiming for a fully circular economy by 2050. This also applies to the clothing industry, but the current (ultra) fast-fashion business model is diametrically opposed to this. Partly because of the highly …

supply disruptions


Procurement managers see supply disruptions as biggest risk

Supply disruptions are the biggest threat to Procurement. This is according to new research from analyst firm Gartner. The research is designed to give chief procurement officers (CPOs) insight into the key risks to procurement …

supply chain design

Planning, Trends

Supply chain design for everyone in the company

All the disruptions in recent years have made many companies realize that their existing supply chain is no longer adequate. Supply chain design is the discipline that allows them to create the supply chain they …


Webinar Recording, Trends

Recording webinar ‘E2E Ecosystem Transformation Survey’

Recent disruptions have exposed weaknesses in supply chains, highlighting the need for a new transformation wave. Digitalization, AI, sustainability, and resilience are becoming core capabilities. To provide an overview of how companies can best navigate these …

Dutch Logistics Award 2024

Sustainability, Trends

Dutch Logistics Award 2024 goes to Nestlé and Vreugdenhil

Nestlé and Vreugdenhil Dairy Foods have jointly won the Dutch Logistics Award 2024. The Vereniging Logistiek Management (VLM) jury awarded the prize for the way both companies have succeeded in shaping the low-carbon farming programme. Sustainable …

process automation

Software, Trends

Delaying process automation inhibits productivity

Slow adoption of process automation solutions is holding back productivity in the Netherlands. However, managers and employees alike would be only too happy to automate processes – to increase not only production, but also job …



Unilever redesigns European homecare supply chain

Unilever is spending more than €150 million to overhaul the supply chain of its European homecare division. By doing so, the multinational aims to resolve years of underperformance in this area. The company is also …

strategic fork

Blogs, Trends

Infinite visibility

Even before the COVID-19 crisis, calls for end-to-end supply chain visibility were common among internationally operating manufacturing companies. Indeed, for most businesses, visibility did not extend beyond their own perimeter fence in practice. Supply chain …

artillery supply chains


Artillery supply chains are Russia’s Achilles heel

The most effective way to disrupt Russia’s war effort in Ukraine is to attack its artillery supply chains. That is the conclusion of a new report by the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) and the …