

How to measure and strengthen sustainability all along the supply chain

Sustainability, Trends

How to measure and strengthen sustainability all along the supply chain

To properly address supply-chain risk, multinationals should be doing due diligence on every supplier and cascading action down through the value chain.  By Carlos Cordon  As multinational corporations try to cut their carbon emissions and tackle other social ills, they are coming …

sustainable delivery options

Sustainability, Trends

Digital twin helps DHL to reduce transport flows

DHL customers flew to Valencia from around the world to spend two days immersed in the topic of sustainability. The company revealed impressive figures on its investments into ‘greening’ all its transportation operations. However, this …


Sustainability, Trends

Supply chain start-up in the spotlight: Cargors

Cargors was emerged from the frustration of Najeeb Qazizada and Tim Bosman by the fragmentation and lack of automation in the traditional world of logistics, which they felt only worked to the advantage of brokers. …

Descartes afbeelding whitepaper TMS

Visibility, Sustainability, Software, Whitepaper, Trends

Whitepaper: The 4 key points to take full advantage of a TMS

A transport management system (TMS) is the best way to keep a grip on your logistics supply chain. The software provides insight into transport flows, expected arrival times, transport performance and logistics costs. More comprehensive …

Recording & Slide Deck StoreShippers

inNOWvate, Sustainability, Trends

Recording & slide deck Pieter van den Hoven, StoreShippers | inNOWvate Supply Chain Event 2023

Customers are demanding fast and sustainable delivery options and above all.... choice. In this session the following questions are tackled: What effect does last-mile delivery have on e-commerce and supply chain? How do you position last-mile …

Recording & Slide Deck ChainPoint

inNOWvate, Sustainability, Trends

Recording & slide deck Jonatan van Groos, ChainPoint | inNOWvate Supply Chain Event 2023

Meet Tony’s Chocolonely and Closing the Loop. Two companies on a mission. Software solves a big part of their sustainability puzzles. In this presentation they take you along and explain how and why that is. Closing …

Recording & slide deck Roland Slegers-Leijsten, DeliveryMatch | inNOWvate Supply Chain Event 2023

inNOWvate, Sustainability, Trends

Recording & slide deck Roland Slegers-Leijsten, DeliveryMatch | inNOWvate Supply Chain Event 2023

The rise of e-commerce has led to a more complex logistics chain with an increasing demand for better service, reliability, choice, and sustainability from consumers. These developments require a different approach and better chain integration. …

Recording & slide deck Andrea van Zwet, ClimatePartner | inNOWvate Supply Chain Event 2023

inNOWvate, Sustainability, Trends

Recording & slide deck Andrea van Zwet, ClimatePartner | inNOWvate Supply Chain Event 2023

Climate change puts serious consequences and risks to our global supply chains. Talking about decarbonizing the supply chain Andrea van Zwet will advise you on how to embed 5 key steps in your supply chain …

Recording & Slide Deck BigMile

inNOWvate, Sustainability, Trends

Recording & slide deck Auke Annema, BigMile | inNOWvate Supply Chain Event 2023

Measuring and reporting on carbon emissions will become mandatory from 2024 onwards. Within the recently adopted Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) in Europe, large companies must report on Scope 3 emissions, including the CO2 emissions …

Visual - Trendvision Sustainability increasingly tops the supply chain agenda square

Sustainability, Trend visions, Trends

Trend Vision Chainalytics: ‘Sustainability increasingly tops the supply chain agenda’

For many years, cost-cutting was the main driver behind supply chain design and optimization. But the tide has clearly turned. Today, within many organizations, sustainability ranks alongside cost and service as an important reason to …