

Eline Oudenbroek Interface

Sustainability, Trends

Eline Oudenbroek, Interface: “Our supply chain is almost completely circular and bio-based”

In 1994, the founder of Interface, a manufacturer of carpet, rubber and vinyl tiles, launched ‘Mission Zero’ and set himself the goal of eliminating the company’s negative impact on the planet by 2020. He succeeded, …


Sustainability, Trends, Visibility

Supply chain start-up in the spotlight: Minespider

Minespider is a blockchain-based traceability platform for mining and raw materials tracking. The supply chain start-up was founded by Nathan Williams in Berlin, Germany, in 2018. Based on the vision of a world where tracked, responsible …

Decentralize production and logistics

Sustainability, Trends

Decentralize production and logistics

Thou shalt... test and reimagine supply chain scenarios In recent decades, supply chains have become longer and more complex due to globalization. Access to global markets and the ability to manufacture in low-wage countries with low …

supply chain leaders

Sustainability, Trends

Sustainability demands attention from supply chain leaders

Reckitt’s Sami Naffakh heads this year’s Top 28 Supply Chain Executives in Europe ranking. How do he and other supply chain leaders view supply chain-related topics and trends? And what skills are necessary to realize …

Visual Roadmap for decarbonizing your supply chain

Road Map, Sustainability, Trends

Roadmap for decarbonizing your supply chain

According to consulting firm McKinsey, active supply-chain decarbonization is becoming a licence to operate for businesses. But companies aiming for responsible sourcing are hindered by fragmented data pipelines. The task of evaluating millions of suppliers …

fashion industry

Sustainability, Trends

Fashion industry failing to reduce carbon emissions

The fashion industry continues to fall short of its 2030 carbon reduction goals. Data from’s 2022 Fashion Supply Chain Emissions Report shows that the sector’s CO2 emissions increased last year, despite pledges to reduce …


Sustainability, Trends, Webinar Recording

Recording webinar ‘Disruptions in the Logistics Industry and potential future strategies’

The universe of logistics is changing rapidly and irreversibly due geopolitical unrests, high energy prices and a possibly upcoming recession. The corona pandemic and the war in Ukraine have forced manufacturing, wholesale, retail and logistics …


Sustainability, Trends

Lidl phases out air freight for fresh produce

Grocery retailer Lidl has announced plans to stop using air freight to source fresh fruit and vegetables for its Dutch stores. This measure is aimed at reducing the carbon emissions associated with the transport of …

bike industry

Sustainability, Trends

European bicycle industry is pooling knowledge on supply chain resilience

Cycling Industries Europe (CIE), the umbrella trade organization representing the bike industry in Europe, has started pooling its combined knowledge on supply chain resilience and raw materials. By doing so, CIE aims to address the …

Scope 3 emissions

Sustainability, Trends

Businesses must get to work on Scope 3 emissions

Businesses will soon be expected to report on their Scope 3 emissions. To be more precise, they will need to obtain carbon emissions data from their suppliers, customers and logistics service providers. Sending them lengthy …