S&OP Selection Day

S&OP Selection Day

Why is excellence in S&OP so hard

Planning, Reports, S&OP Selection Day, Software, Trends

Keynote Lora Cecere | S&OP Vendor Day 2021

Supply Chain Media organized the first hybrid edition of S&OP Vendor Day on October 13, 2021. “Taste the flavours of S&OP Vendors” in one day. The main topic of this new and innovative international event in …

Presentatie Filip Buytaert

Planning, Reports, S&OP Selection Day, Software, Trends

Keynote Filip Buytaert | S&OP Vendor Day 2021

Supply Chain Media organized the first hybrid edition of S&OP Vendor Day on October 13, 2021. “Taste the flavours of S&OP Vendors” in one day. The main topic of this new and innovative international event in …

Ariane Longpré presentatie

Planning, Reports, S&OP Selection Day, Software, Trends

Keynote Ariane Longpré | S&OP Vendor Day 2021

Supply Chain Media organized the first hybrid edition of S&OP Vendor Day on October 13, 2021. “Taste the flavours of S&OP Vendors” in one day. The main topic of this new and innovative international event in …

Presentatie Martijn

Planning, Reports, S&OP Selection Day, Software, Trends

Keynote Martijn Lofvers | S&OP Vendor Day 2021

Supply Chain Media organized the first hybrid edition of S&OP Vendor Day on October 13, 2021. “Taste the flavours of S&OP Vendors” in one day. The main topic of this new and innovative international event …