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Exclusively in magazine, Magazine, Planning, Reports, Software, Trends, Visibility

Supply Chain Movement 40 | Resilience & Talent

The main theme of the Q1, 2021 issue of quarterly Supply Chain Movement is Resilience & Talent. This issue will appear digitally on March 4 and will be received in hard-copy on March 5. 10 | …

supply chain networks

Exclusively in magazine, Magazine, Reports, Trends

Supply Chain Movement 39 | Digital Twins

The main theme of the Q4 issue of quarterly Supply Chain Movement is Digital Twins. A digital twin of your own could do more than just simple paperwork. Thanks to advanced analytics and artificial intelligence, …

Visibility E2E as key-drivers

inNOWvate, Reports, Trends, Visibility

Wouter Vleugel, Tesisquare: ‘Visibility E2E as key-drivers to detect risk in supply chain processes’

How can visibility support supply chain managers to reinforce their capability of remodeling the supply chain when a disruption occurs, reducing the negative impacts linked? In some cases, companies do not have a comprehensive understanding …

Bram Desmet, Solventure: 'Driving sustainable change and value through S&OP'

inNOWvate, Planning, Reports, Software, Sustainability, Trends

Bram Desmet, Solventure: ‘Driving sustainable change and value through S&OP’

Only by aligning all elements you strengthen the S&OP process and let it become the heartbeat of your business. During inNOWvate Supply Chain Event 2020, Prof. dr. Bram Desmet, CEO at Solventure, did emphasize the benefits …

Partner Presentation Slimstock

inNOWvate, Reports, Trends

Jan Kraaijeveld, Slimstock: ‘How to improve inventory with supply chain tactics?’

Based on which criteria do I create an ABC? And how can I differentiate on service level? We also show how you develop the right knowledge in your company and ensure that teams improve to …

Partner Presentation Zetes

inNOWvate, Reports, Trends

Jeremy Linders, Zetes: ‘Asset tracking in your supply chain’

Missing crates, bins, trailers, containers, tools or any other assets are crucial to operations and can lead to disruptions in your production or logistics process and increases operational cost. Having visibility on the location of …

Partner Presentation Oracle - Enrique Lopez-Tello

inNOWvate, Planning, Reports, Trends

Enrique Lopez-Tello, Oracle: ‘Getting to the next normal with IBP & Execution

The key supply chain lesson of COVID-19 is that when market conditions change fast, being prepared matters more than ever. Leveraging systems that support visibility, rapid decision-making, and flexible response. Because when an unexpected world …

Partner Presentation Anaplan Mike Detample

inNOWvate, Reports, Trends

Mike Detampel, Anaplan: ‘Digital demand management: The new normal’

Understanding and shaping demand for products proves to be one of the most challenging endeavors for supply chain professionals. A customer-centric demand management process enables companies to identify the drivers of demand for their customers …

Hemant Badri

inNOWvate, Planning, Reports, Trends

Keynote recording Hemant Badri, Unilever: ‘Innovation in Supply Chain Planning’

Which technologies should be embraced in order to better respond to disruptions such as the current pandemic? One conclusion from Supply Chain Media’s inNOWvate Supply Chain Event on October 13 is that the answer depends …

Martijn Lofvers

inNOWvate, Reports, Trends

Keynote recording Martijn Lofvers: ‘Innovating into the future’

There is an urgent need for innovation – and preferably right now. After all, COVID-19 has shown that many supply chains are unable to respond adequately to the consequences of a global pandemic. Innovation can …