

supply chain innovation

inNOWvate, Reports, Trends

Supply chain innovation demands strategic choices

Which technologies should be embraced in order to better respond to disruptions such as the current pandemic? One conclusion from Supply Chain Media’s inNOWvate Supply Chain Event on October 13 is that the answer depends …

Janet Godsell

inNOWvate, Reports, Trends, Visibility

Keynote recording Janet Godsell: ‘Supply chain visibility and resilience in the new normal’

Janet Godsell, professor of operations & supply chain strategy at the University of Warwick, provided insights on the impact of the current pandemic during her keynote presentation at inNOWvate Supply Chain Event, October 13 2020.  Based …

Lora Cecere Supply Chain Insights - Supply Chains and SOP to admire

inNOWvate, Planning, Reports, Software, Trends

Keynote recording Lora Cecere: ‘Supply chains and planning to admire’

What sets excellent supply chain apart from the rest? Lora Cecere, founder at Supply Chain Insights, addressed this question during inNOWvate Supply Chain Event 2020 on October 13. According to Cecere, 85% of companies are …


Visibility, inNOWvate, Reports, Trends

Flowlity wins European Supply Chain Start-up Pitch

The French start-up Flowlity won the European Supply Chain Start-up Pitch during the hybrid inNOWvate Supply Chain Event in the Dutch city of Utrecht on 13 October 2020. This prestigious competition is organized by Supply …

excellent supply chains

inNOWvate, Reports, Trends, Visibility

Excellent supply chains have better leaders, not better technology

Supply chains are under scrutiny due to COVID-19. Now more than ever, the question is what sets excellent supply chains apart from the rest, and whether the excellent supply chains of the past will also …


Content, Reports

COVID-19: virtually all supply chains have been impacted to some degree

Prior to the coronavirus outbreak, 77% of supply chain executives thought they were at least somewhat prepared to face a major supply chain disruption. However, the majority of supply chains have suffered a 25% or …

Profile Joost Bous Action

Exclusively in magazine, Magazine, Reports, Sustainability, Trends

Supply Chain Movement 38 | Sustainability & Trends

The main theme of the Q3 issue of the quarterly Supply Chain Movement is Sustainability & Trends. How will the current worldwide recession affect companies' progress on their unavoidable sustainability journey? Will a focus on …

Lora Cecere

Content, Reports

The importance of meaningful work in the supply chain talent discussion

The COVID-19 pandemic has substantially changed the culture of work and the nature of the talent discussion. Many employees are working from home and using online meeting formats. However, there is still at least one …


Content, Reports

COVID-19 breeding ground for geopolitical risks

The COVID-19 pandemic is reinforcing existing geopolitical risks, according to the Aon Risk Maps 2020. Economic and political nationalism is growing, partly due to the measures aimed at combating the coronavirus crisis. Moreover, the resilience …

pharmaceutical industry

Content, Reports, Software, Visibility

Even the pharmaceutical industry can no longer escape cost pressure

For many years, the pharmaceutical industry has not had to worry about supply chain efficiency thanks to sky-high margins. That period is now over, concludes consultancy firm Miebach on the basis of its ‘Pharma and …