


Planning, Trends

ASML pilots AI for supply chain resilience

A pilot at Dutch high-tech company ASML showed that an AI machine trained based on Deep Reinforcement Learning makes smarter supply chain decisions than traditional planning methods. The challenge now is to make the suggestions …


Planning, Trends

Beyond the hype cycle: GenAI use cases in supply chain planning

The rapid recent advancement of GenAI is captivating the imagination of supply chain professionals, but a noticeable gap remains: while consumers have quickly adopted these technologies, businesses are lagging behind. Why is this? By Ralf W. …


Planning, Trends

Increasing risks require new S&OP competences

Many companies started with Sales & Operations Planning in the pre-COVID era. But how can you do S&OP now that uncertainty and unpredictability have increased so dramatically? During a Webinar Wednesday, Involvation explained which five …

real-time transport visibility

Planning, Software, Trends

Entire supply chain benefits from real-time transport visibility

Real-time transport visibility is about much more than just providing insight into the current positions of trucks and container ships. This was demonstrated during Supply Chain Media’s Webinar Wednesday, where six real-time transport visibility software …


Planning, Trends

Start-up Byways: no more waiting at loading docks

Founded in 2020, Byways has developed a pragmatic tool that allows trucks and warehouses to better align their logistics operations. This has already led to a reduction in waiting time of more than 45% for …

end-to-end supply chain control tower

Exclusively in magazine, Planning, Trends, Visibility

The desire for an end-to-end supply chain control tower

The scope of most control towers is limited to the part of the supply chain where the most benefits can be gained. For ASML that is the warehouse in Veldhoven, whereas for Hilti it is …


Planning, Trends

Controversial discussion: just how beneficial is forecasting?

Which market signals affect future demand, and how can you measure them? And just how beneficial is a statistical forecast? These pressing issues were discussed at length during the first keynote and panel discussion on …

S&OE Subway Map

Planning, Subway Map, Trends

S&OE Subway Map: A journey from plan to transaction

Sales & Operations Execution (S&OE) has been gaining attention as demand volatility and supply disruptions became the norm in recent years. The smooth execution of tactical Sales & Operation Planning (S&OP) and Integrated Business Planning …

Roadmap to collaborative S&OP in the cloud

Planning, Road Map, Trends

Roadmap to collaborative S&OP in the cloud

In a context where markets constantly evolve in line with consumer behaviours, Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP) is becoming fundamental for companies. This cross-functional decision-making process helps all departments to think and act in unison, …

financial planning and supply chain planning

Planning, Trends

Passionate plea for integration of financial planning and supply chain planning

How on earth can we expect supply chain agility when each department clings to its own planning processes? During Supply Chain Media’s S&OP Flavour Day, Bram Desmet issued a passionate plea for integrating financial planning …