

Online retailer Picnic is out of the red thanks to robotization

Online supermarket Picnic made a profit in the Netherlands for the first time last year. According to director and founder Michiel Muller, this was mainly due to robotization of the distribution centre in Utrecht. But …

Dutch transport and logistics sector


Dutch transport and logistics sector achieves modest growth

The Dutch transport and logistics sector is getting back on solid ground this year. Growth is returning in logistics, parcel and road transport as excess stocks have been run down and demand for consumer goods …

Supply Chain Movement Sustainability

Exclusively in magazine, Magazine, Reports, Trends

Supply Chain Movement 54 | Sustainability

The main theme of the 54th issue (Q3, 2024) of the quarterly magazine Supply Chain Movement is Sustainability.  Publication Date: September 27, 2024 12 | Profile Magne Setnes, Chief Supply Chain Officer, Heineken Magne Setnes joined Dutch brewery …

supply chain trends


Supply chain trends result in diverse plans: ‘Just do it!’

From GenAI to digital twins and from cost control to sustainability: a variety of trends and developments were reviewed during Supply Chain Media's Trend Dinner. However, those who blindly pursue all trends risk getting bogged …

learning organization


Learning organization requires learning leaders

As a supply chain leader, how do you create an environment in which people are continuously learning? Firstly by setting a good example yourself, it was revealed during Webinar Wednesday. And then by creating an …

CO₂ Subway Map

Blogs, Sustainability, Trends

CO₂ Subway Map

Measuring one’s own CO₂ emissions seems to be more popular among consumers than among businesses. According to news agency Bloomberg, smartphone apps that track individual CO₂ emissions from purchases are very much on the rise. …


Trends, Webinar Recording

Recording webinar ‘The growing importance of Supply Chain Learning and Development’

Uncertainty is a fact of life within supply chains. In today’s VUCA world, organisations struggle to maintain their supply chain performance, let alone improve it. And it is supply chain performance which is the foundation …


Software, Trends

S&OP should offer companies a helicopter view

Is Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP) a science or an art? That is the question Jan Kraaijeveld of Slimstock discussed during Webinar Wednesday. The reason that many companies struggle with S&OP, he said, is because …

talent shortage


Talent shortage remains a ‘critical challenge’

Despite all relevant efforts, 48% of companies consider the supply chain talent shortage a critical challenge. However, this is down slightly from 50% in 2023. These findings come from recruiter Alcott Global following new research …



Ikea expands drone use for inventory management

Ikea has been utilizing drones for inventory management for some time, but is now expanding its use of the technology. The Swedish chain of department stores will deploy an upgraded AI-powered system that supports its …