European Supply Chain Start-up Pitches 2020

European Start-up Pitches 2020

In contrast to the last two years, the tighter restrictions due to COVID-19 meant that the start-up teams were unfortunately unable to travel to the Netherlands to hold their pitches. Instead, the four finalists each presented their solution in a three-minute online pitch from their own location – and mostly from home. In the two hours following the pitches, a total of 389 viewers cast their votes. 

To select the four candidates, the jury evaluated all start-ups based on four aspects: the market potential, the innovativeness, the applicability in practice and the clarity of the message.

Missed the online pitches live?

All the pitches, and the naming of the winner, are recorded and published on the YouTube channel of Supply Chain Movement. The slides of the pitches are available for downloading below.

Download: European Supply Chain Start-Up Pitches 2020